run 'nc yourip 5000', 'nc yourip 5001' or 'nc yourip 5002' elsewhere will produce an exact same mirror of your shell. This is handy when you want to show someone else some amazing stuff in your shell without giving them control over it.
If you provide the option -t to the script command and redirect stderr into a file, the timing information on what is going on on the terminal, is also stored. You can replay the session via the scriptreplay command, where you can also provide a speedup factor (see the man page for details). Great for demonstration purposes ...
One person does `mkfifo foo; script -f foo' and another can supervise real-time what is being done using `cat foo'.
can display the commands and their output to another user who is connected to another terminal, by example pts/3
Creates a log of a session in a file called typescript. Or specify the file with:
script filename
Exit the session with control-d.
Will redirect output of current session to another terminal, e.g. /dev/pts/3 Courtesy of bassu,
connect to it with any network command (including web browser - if you don't mind weird formatting) curl nc 9876 Show Sample Output
Normally, if you su to another user from root and try to resume that other user's screen session, you will get an error like "Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/0' - please check." This is because the other user doesn't have permission for root's pty. You can get around this by running a "script" session as the new user, before trying to resume the screen session. Note you will have to execute each of the three commands separately, not all on the same line as shown here. Credit: I found this at
script -f /tmp/foo will place all output of the terminal, including carriage returns, to a file. This file can be tail dash-eff'ed by one or more other terminals to display the information of the main terminal. Good way to share one's screen on short notice. Note: This produces a very accurate output, but that includes depending on the size of your terminal to be the same. You can clear screens or even resize the terminal for others using this function; I use it in conjunction with the "mid" command in my list. Show Sample Output
This shell function takes a single argument, which is used as the base name of the .wav, .timing and .session files created. To create a screencast:
screencast test
type and talk ...
then type 'exit' or to exit the screencast.
test.wav will contain the audio from your screencast.
test.session will contain text and control characters needed to paint the screen
test.timing will contain timing information needed to synch individual keystrokes in test.session with the audio.
to play back:
aplay test.wav & scriptreplay test.{timing,session}
NOTE: because the shell function uses the variable "$!", and bash likes to expand '!' during history expansion, you will need to turn off bash's history before you enter the shell function.
This can be achieved using the command
set +H
Better solution in case of many clients, imo. Show Sample Output
Need output in mbps (bits) # ./ eth0 eth0 interface maximum Speed: 1000Mb/s RX:12883212 TX:17402002 B/s | RX:98 TX:132 Mb/s RX:12371647 TX:17830111 B/s | RX:94 TX:136 Mb/s RX:12502750 TX:17860915 B/s | RX:95 TX:136 Mb/s Show Sample Output
Saves a step between which'ing to find out the full path of a script, then copy and pasting, and less'ing the full path.
Only requires one `exit` to close session.
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