generates two file id_rsa (private) and
This is what I use. You will need netcat installed on both machines.
pts/33 is variable you can do before you send message to on which pts the user is following ssh youraccount@ who
logstalgia must be installed
From a local node, retrieve the date from server A and set that time on server B. When ntpd is not an option and you need to get closest clock sync between two nodes Replace SRC_SRV with yout source server and DST_SRV with your destination server. You must have ssh access to both and sudo access to the the destination to set the date. Show Sample Output
untar in place with out creating a temporary file
Proxy remote mysql with local port.
Copy changed files from the remote git repository, _including binary ones_, staged and unstaged alike. Note that this command doesn't handle deleted files properly. The reverse of the excellent command by Ivan.
Overwrites remote file without asking! Uses HTTPS proxy that supports CONNECT. Actually uses SSH and not SFTP to upload the file.
Useful when you wait for a server to boot up.
This version won't reconnect if you exit the ssh connection with a non-zero exit code. ConnectTimeout and sleep values knobs for how long to wait for each retry.
This will launch and irssi session on your server. If it's not running, it will create the session. If it's running it'll connect to it and destroy any other connections. If compositing is available, the rxvt window will have transparency added. This window will also open maximized. Anything else this does should be easily figured out in the man pages.
Locally watch MySQL process list update every 5s on a remote host. While you watch pipe to a file. The file out put is messy though but hey at least you have a history of what you see.
Create a secure tunnelled connection for access to a remote MySQL database. For example, connect with MySQL Workbench to root@ Show Sample Output
You can use sshpass command to provide password for ssh based login. sshpass is a utility designed for running ssh using the mode referred to as "keyboard-interactive" password authentication, but in non-interactive mode.
ssh compresion -C option ... on slow connection VNC performs better but in local LAN native secure X protocol is an option Show Sample Output
This command adds your pem key to SSH so that you no longer have to manually specify it when connecting to EC2 instances. # you can do this: ssh # instead of this: ssh -i ~/.ssh/KEY_PAIR_NAME.pem Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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