Use as: $ s host1 Will ssh to remote host upon first invocation. Then use C-a d to detatch. Running "s host1" again will resume the shell session on the remote host. Only useful in LAN environment. You'd want to start the screen on the remote host over a WAN. Adapted from Hack 34 in Linux Server Hacks 2nd Addition.
While `sshfs $REMOTE_HOST:$REMOTE_PATH $LOCAL_PATH` "pulls" a directory from the remote server to the local host, the above command does the reverse and "pushes" a directory from the local host to the remote server. This makes use of the "slave" option of sshfs which instructs it to communicate over plain stdin/stdout and the `dpipe` tool from vde2 to connect the sftp-server stdout to the sshfs stdin and vice-versa.
Set Remote Server Date using Local Server Time (push) Show Sample Output
vimdiff to remotehost Show Sample Output
this is handy when the hubmachine is the only machine that can connect to the destination machine (allowed on ip by firewall) and you want to access it from your laptop.
creates a new tab for each of N servers in listofservers.txt and ssh's to said servers then, try the "send to all sessions" feature of konsole to do the same work on all servers at the same time. BIG time saver, but be careful!
The ssh command alone will execute the sudo command remotely, but the password will be visible in the terminal as you type it. The two stty commands disable the terminal from echoing the password back to you, which makes the remote sudo act as it does locally.
I find it ugly & sexy at the same time isn't it ?
more information: man sdiff
middlehost allows ssh access from where you are but not securehost. Use nice ssh piping to simulate scp through A => B => C setting up the shell function if left as an exercise for the reader. ;-) Agent forwarding should avoid password typing.
Get your server's fingerprints to give to users to verify when they ssh in. Publickey locations may vary by distro. Fingerprints should be provided out-of-band. Show Sample Output
Useful to create an alias that sends you right in the directory you want : alias server-etc="ssh -t server 'cd /etc && $SHELL'"
Create a persistent remote Proxy server through an SSH channel. Show Sample Output
Record off the microphone on a remote computer and listen to it live through your speakers locally. Show Sample Output
Requires you to have password free login to remote host ;) Requires xclip and notify-send (If you want to put into clipboard and be notified when action is completed). DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)-$(($(date +%N)/10000000)); HOST="ssh host of your choice"; DEST="destination folder without trailing slash"; URL="URL for file if uploaded to web enabled dir ie. import -window root png:- | ssh $HOST "cat > $DEST/screenshot_$DATE.png"; echo $URL | xclip; notify-send -u low "Screenshot Taken" "Entire screen.\nCopied to clipboard" Show Sample Output
This one is a bit more robust -- the remote machine may not have an .ssh directory, and it may not have an authorized_keys file, but if it does already, and you want to replace your ssh public key for some reason, this will work in that case as well, without duplicating the entry.
You need to install "sshpass" for this to work. apt-get install sshpass
This counts the number of httpd processes running. Show Sample Output
I use this all the time for taking manual backups of stuff i want to keep but not important enough to backup regularly.
opens a "hidden" remote shell (login will not appear in "last" for example). This is not really hidden, because the login will be shown in auth.log and the process is visible anyways. ssh -T = Disable pseudo-tty allocation. bash -i = interactive shell
I used this to confirm an upgrade to an SSH daemon was successful Show Sample Output
And then to complete the task:
Go to target host;
ssh host
Turn everything off:
for i in `chkconfig --list | fgrep :on | awk '{print $1}'` ; do chkconfig --level 12345 $i off; done
Create duplicate config:
while read line; do chkconfig --level $line on; done < foo
Redirects the contents of your clipboard through a pipe, to a remote machine via SSH. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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