Commands using sysctl (11)

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Install pip with Proxy
Installs pip packages defining a proxy

Install pip with Proxy
Installs pip packages defining a proxy

Play Mediafile in multipart RAR archive on the fly with buffer to seek back and forth
Fire this up in the directory of the RAR achived files to watch any archived movie tv-show or other media without having to unpack it. I also added a cache/buffer to be able to seek back and forth.

Alias for quick command-line volume set (works also remotely via SSH)
If you're addicted to command-line solutions of ordinary actions or if you just want to set your volume from bed via mobile phone SSH, you can set this alias and use it as $ setvol 50 for setting volume on 50% gain Works only with ALSA, tested on Ubuntu 8.10. Give me some info about your experience. TIP: Try aslo command "mute" to toggle mute/unmute sound. But I don't know if this works on all distros.

php show list pdo module
can show module other

Use AWS CLI and JQ to get a list of instances sorted by launch time
Use the AWS CLI tools to generate a list instances, then pipe them to JQ to show only their launch time and instance id. Finally use sort to bring them out in runtime order. Find all those instances you launched months ago and have forgotten about.

Get your external IP address if your machine has a DNS entry

Show directories in the PATH, one per line
Shorter version.

run command on a group of nodes

easily convert one unit to another
Easily convert units of similar measurement. May also be invoked alone, units.

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