Commands using umount (21)

  • In my example, the mount point is /media/mpdr1 and the FS is /dev/sdd1 /mountpoint-path = /media/mpdr1 filesystem=/dev/sdd1 Why this command ? Well, in fact, with some external devices I used to face some issues : during data transfer from the device to the internal drive, some errors occurred and the device was unmounted and remounted again in a different folder. In such situations, the command mountpoint gave a positive result even if the FS wasn't properly mounted, that's why I added the df part. And if the device is not properly mounted, the command tries to unmount, to create the folder (if it exists already it will also work) and finally mount the FS on the given mount point. Show Sample Output

    (mountpoint -q "/media/mpdr1" && df /media/mpdr1/* > /dev/null 2>&1) || ((sudo umount "/media/mpdr1" > /dev/null 2>&1 || true) && (sudo mkdir "/media/mpdr1" > /dev/null 2>&1 || true) && sudo mount "/dev/sdd1" "/media/mpdr1")
    tweet78 · 2014-04-12 11:23:21 48
  • connect to a remote server using ftp protocol over FUSE file system, then rsync the remote folder to a local one and then unmount the remote ftp server (FUSE FS) it can be divided to 3 different commands and you should have curlftpfs and rsync installed

    curlftpfs ftp://YourUsername:YourPassword@YourFTPServerURL /tmp/remote-website/ && rsync -av /tmp/remote-website/* /usr/local/data_latest && umount /tmp/remote-website
    nadavkav · 2009-03-31 18:01:00 10

  • 8
    umount -a -t nfs
    sdadh01 · 2009-11-05 20:57:32 5
  • Based on the execute with timeout command in this site. A more complex script: #!/bin/sh # This script will check the avaliability of a list of NFS mount point, # forcing a remount of those that do not respond in 5 seconds. # # It basically does this: # NFSPATH=/mountpoint TIMEOUT=5; perl -e "alarm $TIMEOUT; exec @ARGV" "test -d $NFSPATH" || (umount -fl $NFSPATH; mount $NFSPATH) # TIMEOUT=5 SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0) for i in $@; do echo "Checking $i..." if ! perl -e "alarm $TIMEOUT; exec @ARGV" "test -d $i" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: $i is failing with retcode $?."1>&2 echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: Submmiting umount -fl $i" 1>&2 umount -fl $i; echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: Submmiting mount $i" 1>&2 mount $i; fi done

    NFSPATH=/mountpoint TIMEOUT=5; perl -e "alarm $TIMEOUT; exec @ARGV" "test -d $NFSPATH" || (umount -fl $NFSPATH; mount $NFSPATH)
    keymon · 2010-06-04 07:59:00 6

  • 5
    sudo dd if=/dev/sdc bs=4096 | pv -s `sudo mount /dev/sdc /media/sdc && du -sb /media/sdc/ |awk '{print $1}' && sudo umount /media/sdc`| sudo dd bs=4096 of=~/USB_BLACK_BACKUP.IMG
    juanmi · 2013-02-06 09:29:10 8
  • Add the functions to the .bashrc to make it work Example: First go to the iso file directory and type: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- user@box:~$ miso file.iso ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It will put you into a temporary mounting point directory (ISO_CD) and will show the files You can umount the iso file whatever the directory you are ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- user@box:~/ISO_CD$ uiso ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wil umount the iso file and remove the temporary directory in your home

    function miso () { mkdir ~/ISO_CD && sudo mount -o loop "$@" ~/ISO_CD && cd ~/ISO_CD && ls; } function uiso () { cd ~ && sudo umount ~/ISO_CD && rm -r ~/ISO_CD; }
    vududevil · 2009-02-25 03:41:35 7

  • 3
    umount -a -t cifs
    jameskirk · 2012-07-10 11:17:12 17
  • Creates a temporary ram partition To use: ram 3 to make a 3gb partition (Defaults to 1gb) Show Sample Output

    ram() { mt=/mnt/ram && grep "$mt" < /proc/mts > /dev/null; if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then read -p"Enter to Remove Ram Partition ";sudo umount "$mt" && echo $mt 0; else sudo mt -t tmpfs tmpfs "$mt" -o size=$(( ${1:-1} * 1024 ))m && echo $mt '-' "${1:-1}"gb; fi; }
    snipertyler · 2013-12-13 05:22:02 9
  • Sometimes, you have a lot of NFS in the server and you can't or shouldn't use umount -a. Whis this command, you only umount the fs related to the 'string'

    for i in `df -P |grep string|cut -f2 -d%|cut -c2-100`; do umount -l -f $i;done
    Kaio · 2009-02-16 18:42:00 1163
  • Just the commands for the lvreduce I keep forgetting.

    # umount /media/filesystem; e2fsck -f /dev/device ; resize2fs -p /dev/device 200G #actual newsize#;lvreduce --size 200G /dev/device; mount /media/filesystem; df -h /media/filesystem
    bbelt16ag · 2011-09-14 08:52:02 6
  • Usage: VBoxBlockBoot [Virtual_Machine] [Block_device] Eg: VBoxBlockBoot WinXP /dev/sdc In another words vm=usb; usb=sdc;sudo umount /dev/$usb* ; sudo chmod 777 /dev/$usb ; VBoxManage storageattach $vm --medium ~/raw-HD-4-VB/$usb.vmdk --type hdd --storagectl "IDE Controller" --device 0 --port 0 ; VBoxManage startvm $vm Where vm --> Name of the virtual machine to start usb --> Block device to use. (/dev/sdc) This can used after setup up a boot loader on to my USB pen drive or HDD (After creating Live USB). Here root privilege is needed but not granted to Virtual Box. Thus we can access all our VM.( If we run VBox as root we can't access our VMs). Root privilege is used to - Unmount the storage device - Chmod to full access (777) Requirements:- 1. Device information file (rawvmdk file) created by the following command. Need to run only once. Not bad to run many. VBoxCreateRawDisk() { VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ~/.rawHD4VB_`basename "$1"`.vmdk -rawdisk "$1"; } 2. Root privilege to umount & chmod 3. Real storage medium (ie /dev/*) (Non-virtual such as USB HD, pen drive, a partition) 4. A virtual m/c already available (here "usb") vm=usb; usb=sdc;sudo umount /dev/$usb* ; sudo chmod 777 /dev/$usb ; VBoxManage storageattach $vm --medium ~/raw-HD-4-VB/$usb.vmdk --type hdd --storagectl "IDE Controller" --device 0 --port 0 ; VBoxManage startvm $vm VBoxBlockBoot() { sudo umount "$2"*; sudo chmod 777 "$2"; VBoxManage storageattach "$1" --medium ~/.rawHD4VB_`basename "$2"`.vmdk --type hdd --storagectl "IDE Controller" --device 0 --port 0 ; VBoxManage startvm "$1"; } Show Sample Output

    VBoxBlockBoot() { sudo umount "$2"*; sudo chmod 777 "$2"; VBoxManage storageattach "$1" --medium ~/.rawHD4VB_`basename "$2"`.vmdk --type hdd --storagectl "IDE Controller" --device 0 --port 0 ; VBoxManage startvm "$1";}
    totti · 2011-07-29 13:04:19 5
  • Unmounts all CIFS-based network drives. Very nice for shutting down network mounts on a Linux laptop just prior to going to sleep. Show Sample Output

    for D in `mount -lt cifs | sed 's/.*on \(\/.\+\) type.*/\1/'`; do echo -n "UNMOUNTING $D..."; sudo umount $D; echo " [DONE]"; done;
    crazedsanity · 2011-10-19 18:14:19 5
  • This is a handy command to put into ~/.bash_logout to automatically un-mount windows shares whenever the user logs out. If you use this on as a non-root account then you'll need to append sudo before umount and the user will need to have the appropriate sudoer rights to run the /bin/umount command.

    mount|grep -e '//'|cut -d ' ' -f3| xargs -I {} umount {}
    thund3rstruck · 2012-01-17 01:20:09 4
  • `mount -o remount` doesn't pick up new NFS options (eg. timeo, soft, retrans, etc) so you need to do a full mount/remount cycle. This one-liner makes it quick and easy :) Update your fstab with the new options, then run it. Show Sample Output

    for P in $(mount | awk '/type nfs / {print $3;}'); do echo $P; sudo umount $P && sudo mount $P && echo "ok :)"; done
    amatix · 2012-10-14 22:39:58 5

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    for i in `cat /proc/mounts | grep /home/virtfs | cut -d ? ? -f 2 ` ; do umount $i; done
    balsagoth · 2013-10-16 15:04:03 9
  • fstrim is usually used on SSDs but can also be used to remove useless bits from file system images. This is most helpful if the compressed disk image is intended to be distributed, since it will be smaller than an untrimmed compressed image. Show Sample Output

    kpartx -av disk.img && mkdir disk && mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 disk && fstrim -v disk && umount disk && kpartx -d disk.img
    stinkerweed999 · 2019-07-16 23:54:13 2676
  • Based on the execute with timeout command in this site. A more complex script: #!/bin/sh # This script will check the avaliability of a list of NFS mount point, # forcing a remount of those that do not respond in 5 seconds. # # It basically does this: # NFSPATH=/mountpoint TIMEOUT=5; perl -e "alarm $TIMEOUT; exec @ARGV" "test -d $NFSPATH" || (umount -fl $NFSPATH; mount $NFSPATH) # TIMEOUT=5 SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0) for i in $@; do echo "Checking $i..." if ! perl -e "alarm $TIMEOUT; exec @ARGV" "test -d $i" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: $i is failing with retcode $?."1>&2 echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: Submmiting umount -fl $i" 1>&2 umount -fl $i; echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: Submmiting mount $i" 1>&2 mount $i; fi done

    NFSPATH=/mountpoint TIMEOUT=5; perl -e "alarm $TIMEOUT; exec @ARGV" "test -d $NFSPATH" || (umount -fl $NFSPATH; mount $NFSPATH)
    keymon · 2010-06-04 07:58:53 4
  • set CDIR for it to work right..

    for i in `cat /proc/mounts | awk '{print $2}' | grep ${CDIR} |sort -r` ; do umount $i; done
    mordjah · 2013-05-07 23:46:27 6

  • -2
    mount | grep : | tr -s ' ' -d 3 | xargs umount -v
    rajaseelan · 2009-02-07 04:56:26 31
  • Will unmount a mount that has already dropped but is locked by a process.

    umount -l /media/foo
    nomad · 2009-02-16 02:51:49 58
  • smbfs or cifs, depends on which you are using

    umount -t smbfs
    Velenux · 2012-02-23 10:46:44 4

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