Check These Out
This command should be the first file-editing command for a newbie. It clears file.txt (cat), and asks for input until EOF is entered on its own line (not written to file.txt).
Create ISO image of a folder in Linux. You can assign label to ISO image and mount correctly with -allow-lowercase option.
The gzexe utility allows you to compress executables in place and have them automatically uncompress and execute when you run them. FYI: You can compress any executable sha-bang scripts as well (py, pl, sh, tcl, etc.).
user@ubuntu:~/workspace/SVN/haystak-repos/trunk/internal/src$ addpi
Now that directory is in the list of fast access directories.
You can switch to it anytime like this:
user@ubuntu:~$ pi internal`
user@ubuntu:~/workspace/SVN/haystak-repos/trunk/internal/src$ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please note the backquote ( the symbol that shares its key with ~ in the keyboard )
pi will switch you to that directory.
To see the list of all fast access directories you have to say "cat ~/.pi"
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.
fade [type] fade-in-length [stop-time [fade-out-length]]
Apply a fade effect to the beginning, end, or both of the audio.
An optional type can be specified to select the shape of the fade curve: q for quarter of a sine wave, h for
half a sine wave, t for linear (`triangular') slope, l for logarithmic, and p for inverted parabola. The
default is logarithmic.
A fade-in starts from the first sample and ramps the signal level from 0 to full volume over fade-in-length sec?
onds. Specify 0 seconds if no fade-in is wanted.
For fade-outs, the audio will be truncated at stop-time and the signal level will be ramped from full volume
down to 0 starting at fade-out-length seconds before the stop-time. If fade-out-length is not specified, it
defaults to the same value as fade-in-length. No fade-out is performed if stop-time is not specified. If the
file length can be determined from the input file header and length-changing effects are not in effect, then 0
may be specified for stop-time to indicate the usual case of a fade-out that ends at the end of the input audio
All times can be specified in either periods of time or sample counts. To specify time periods use the format
hh:mm:ss.frac format. To specify using sample counts, specify the number of samples and append the letter `s'
to the sample count (for example `8000s').
You might want to secure your AWS operations requiring to use a MFA token. But then to use API or tools, you need to pass credentials generated with a MFA token.
This commands asks you for the MFA code and retrieves these credentials using AWS Cli. To print the exports, you can use:
`awk '{ print "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=\"" $1 "\"\n" "export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=\"" $2 "\"\n" "export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=\"" $3 "\"" }'`
You must adapt the command line to include:
* $MFA_IDis ARN of the virtual MFA or serial number of the physical one
* TTL for the credentials
Possible simplification of egrep-awk-sort with find and -exec with xargs.