Commands using watch (155)

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Find all plain text files that do not contain STRING

retab in vim, tab to space or space to tab, useful in python
usage: :[rang]ret[!][tabstop value] python is indent sensitive, after command :set list you may see your codes are mixed with tab and space ret can help you to convert space to tab or tab to space

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Concatenate (join) video files
Use mencoder to concatenate (join) multiple video files together.

.inputrc keybinding to wrap current line in inotifytools for instant compile/test-as-you-save-loop
Assuming you've written all of make -j hfst-tokenize && echo doavtter gr?dakursa|./hfst-tokenize --gtd tokeniser-gramcheck-gt-desc.pmhfst and want that to execute every time you :w in vim (or C-xC-s in Emacs), just hit and it'll turn into $ while true; do ( make -j hfst-tokenize && e doavtter gr?dakursa|./hfst-tokenize --gtd tokeniser-gramcheck-gt-desc.pmhfst ); inotifywait -q -e modify -e close_write *; done with the cursor right before the ')'. Hit enter, and it'll run on each save. Requires the package inotify-tools installed.

Start vim without initialization
This will skip all initializations. Especially useful when your ~/.vimrc has something wrong.

sort the contents of a text file in place.
sorts the contents of a file without the need for a second file to take the sorted output. This was previously entered as `sort -g list.txt -o $_` but as others have pointed out the $_ references the previous command. so this would've worked had that been the second part of a command joined with && like: cat list.txt && sort -g list.txt -o $_ The user below me Robin had the most correct command.

Vectorize xkcd strips
Uses ImageMagick and potrace to vectorize the input image, with parameters optimized for xkcd-like pictures.

Display the end of a logfile as new lines are added to the end

check open ports without netstat or lsof

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