connects to host via ssh and displays the live transfer speed, directing all transferred data to /dev/null needs pv installed Debian: 'apt-get install pv' Fedora: 'yum install pv' (may need the 'extras' repository enabled) Show Sample Output
Maybe you know shorter ? Show Sample Output
just for fun
Rainbow, instead of greys
This command uses the debugger to attach to a running process, and reassign a filehandle to a file. The two commands executed in gdb are p close(1) which closes STDOUT and p creat("/tmp/filename",0600) which creates a file and opens it for output. Since file handles are assigned sequentially, this command opens the file in place of STDOUT and once the process continues, new output to STDOUT will instead be written to our capture file. Show Sample Output
For each cpu set mask and then monitor your cpu infos. Temp,load avg. etc. For example for 2nd cpu or 2nd core taskset 0x00000002 yes > /dev/null & For example for 3rd cpu or 3rd core taskset 0x00000004 yes > /dev/null & For example for 4th cpu or 4th core taskset 0x00000008 yes > /dev/null & Monitor your cpu temp with this command if you want watch -n1 "acpi -t" Load avg. from top command top
Fill the entire terminal screen. Is COLUMNS or LINES are undefined run "resize"
That will capture 200 seconds of video at fullscreen 1680x1050 resolution, but scaled down 25 percent, with 15 frames per second.
Let's take a rest. How about watch a horror? The Shining Show Sample Output
I doubt this works with other than bash, but then again, I havent tried. The 'yes' utility is very simple, it outputs a hell of a lot of 'y's to standard input. The '!!' command means 'the last command'. So this one-lines inputs a lot of y's into the last command, aggressively agreeing to everything. For instance, when doing apt-get.
Just replace 15m with desired time. no suffix or 's' for seconds; 'h' for hours You need to be root or in audio group to write to /dev/dsp. You may use yes | head -n 2000 for about 1 second beep. Wrote this as echo -e '\a' not always works as desired (ex. visual bell)
Sets the exec bit on a file. Show Sample Output
This one is for OS X users: sort -R and shuf aren't available in Lion (10.7.5)
-secgrp no for distribution -scope u for distribution
this command will beep like an alarm for one minute from 18:57. you can change "1857" to your desired time. you should have alsa-oss package installed, and you should also be root or part of "audio" group.
simple bash one liner to pass multiple arguments to command one by one. optional yes/no pipe at beginning of command Show Sample Output
This command deletes all but the first occurrence of a duplicate file in one or more folders. Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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