dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/opaque.fs bs=1M count=512
cryptmount --generate-key 32 opaque
cryptmount --prepare opaque
mke2fs /dev/mapper/opaque
cryptmount --release opaque
mkdir /home/crypt
cryptmount -m opaque
cryptmount -u opaque
For detail see sample output
In order to create a new encrypted filing system managed by cryptmount, you can use the supplied 'cryptmount-setup' program, which can be used by the superuser to interactively configure a basic setup. Alternatively, suppose that we wish to setup a new encrypted filing system, that will have a target-name of "opaque". If we have a free disk partition available, say /dev/hdb63, then we can use this directly to store the encrypted filing system. Alternatively, if we want to store the encrypted filing system within an ordinary file, we need to create space using a recipe such as: $dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/opaque.fs bs=1M count=512 and then replace all occurences of '/dev/hdb63' in the following with '/home/opaque.fs'. (/dev/urandom can be used in place of /dev/zero, debatably for extra security, but is rather slower.) First, we need to add an entry in /etc/cryptmount/cmtab, which describes the encryption that will be used to protect the filesystem itself and the access key, as follows: opaque { dev=/dev/hdb63 dir=/home/crypt fstype=ext2 mountoptions=defaults cipher=twofish keyfile=/etc/cryptmount/opaque.key keyformat=builtin } Here, we will be using the "twofish" algorithm to encrypt the filing system itself, with the built-in key-manager being used to protect the decryption key (to be stored in /etc/cryptmount/opaque.key). In order to generate a secret decryption key (in /etc/crypt‐ mount/opaque.key) that will be used to encrypt the filing system itself, we can execute, as root: $cryptmount --generate-key 32 opaque This will generate a 32-byte (256-bit) key, which is known to be sup‐ ported by the Twofish cipher algorithm, and store it in encrypted form after asking the system administrator for a password. If we now execute, as root: $cryptmount --prepare opaque we will then be asked for the password that we used when setting up /etc/cryptmount/opaque.key, which will enable cryptmount to setup a device-mapper target (/dev/mapper/opaque). (If you receive an error message of the form device-mapper ioctl cmd 9 failed: Invalid argument , this may mean that you have chosen a key-size that isn't supported by your chosen cipher algorithm. You can get some information about suit‐ able key-sizes by checking the output from "more /proc/crypto", and looking at the "min keysize" and "max keysize" fields.) We can now use standard tools to create the actual filing system on /dev/mapper/opaque: $mke2fs /dev/mapper/opaque (It may be advisable, after the filesystem is first mounted, to check that the permissions of the top-level directory created by mke2fs are appropriate for your needs.) After executing $cryptmount --release opaque $mkdir /home/crypt the encrypted filing system is ready for use. Ordinary users can mount it by typing $cryptmount -m opaque or cryptmount opaque and unmount it using $cryptmount -u opaque
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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