Apply the search-and-replace rule to lines that start (^) with zero or more white spaces (\s*), followed by any character ([...]) that is *NOT* a "@" or a "%" (^@%).
s=<some stuff>=<other stuff>=g
Search (s) for some stuff and replace by other stuff. Do that globally (g) for all matches in each processed line.
Matches at least one uppercase letter ([A-Z][A-Z]*) followed by a character that is EITHER not "}" and not a capital letter ([^}A-Z]) OR (|) it actually IS a "}", which is followed by "," at the end of the line ($).
Putting regular expressions in escaped parentheses (\( and \), respectively) allows to dereference the matched string later.
Replace the matched string by "{", followed by part 1 of the matched string (\1), followed by "}", followed by the second part of the matched string (\2).
I tried this with GNU sed, only, version 4.2.1.
@ARTICLE{Duck06, author = {{D}onald {D}uck and {D}aisy {D}uck and {S}crooge {M}c{D}uck}, title = {{T}he danger of magnetic storms for {D}uckburg}, journal = {{D}uckburg {T}ribune}, year = {2006}, volume = {56}, pages = {386--394}, number = {2}, month = {{A}ug}, owner = {{D}ucky {D}uke} }
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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which was designed to match capitals like intitle = {an upper case letter A},
has the disadvantage that it also matches A and B here:abstract = { lorem ipsum A,
dolor sit amet wtf C
consectetur adipiscing elit B,
How to fix...?abstract = { lorem ipsum {A},
dolor sit amet wtf {C}
consectetur adipiscing elit {B},
So after applying sed we have that:abstract = { lorem ipsum {{A}},
dolor sit amet wtf {C}
consectetur adipiscing elit {{B}},