The "find $stuff -print0 | xargs -0 $command" pattern causes both find and xargs to use null-delineated paths, greatly reducing the probability of either hiccuping on even the weirdest of file/path names.
It's also not strictly necessary to add the {} at the end of the xargs command line, as it'll put the files there automatically.
Mind, in most environments, you could use find's "-exec" option to bypass xargs entirely:
find . -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.JPG' -exec mogrify -resize 1024">" -quality 40 {} +
will use xargs-like "make sure the command line isn't too long" logic to run the mogrify command as few times as necessary (to run once per file, use a ';' instead of a '+' - just be sure to escape it properly).
First use find to find all the images that end with jpg or JPG in the current dir and all its children. Then pipe that to xargs. The -I{} makes it so spaces in filenames don't matter. The 1024">" makes it so it takes any image greater in dimension than 1024 and resizes them to 1024 width, but keeping aspect ratio on height. Then it sets the image quality to 40. Piping it through xargs means you avoid the file count limit, and you could run this on your entire file system if you wanted.
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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