USER=bob ssh root@server
The command above is stripped down to an absolute minimum.
A fully expanded and annotated version is available as a Gist (git pastebin):
If you want to add timing info to script, change the command to:
ssh(){ L="\$HOME/logs/$(date +%F_%H:%M)-$USER";/usr/bin/ssh -t "$@" "mkdir -p \"${L%/*}\";screen -xRRS $USER script --timing=\"$L-timing\" -f \"$L\"";}
$ ssh my-server Script started, file is /root/logs/2015-10-14_14:07-flatcap [SERVER]~$
A quick alias I use right before logging into a server so that I have a log of the transactions as well as the ability to re-connect from another computer. Useful for when your boss says "what commands did you run again on that server?" and you had already closed the terminal ;) I wrapped it in a script now, with more features, but this is the heart of it. Never leave home without it.
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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sudo bash
. I *really* liked @robinsonaarond's original combination of script and screen. If you can think of some sudo magic to combine all the ideas, I'd love to see it. . PS. I don't speak Spanish, but Google says your nickname means "Dead Monkeys". Is that correct?