Switch the computer on / off

press the power button
Judging by the quality of suggestions lately I thought I'd better join in
Sample Output

By: maht
2009-03-23 09:02:07

What Others Think

This only works if the computer is connected to an electric outlet or contains a charged battery ...
Zaphod · 810 weeks and 5 days ago
This is not command-line-fu. My vote is to delete.
mpb · 810 weeks and 5 days ago
Do not feed the trolls.
Alanceil · 810 weeks and 5 days ago
sudo shutdown -r now
isaacs · 810 weeks and 5 days ago
@maht, even if you're trying to make a point, it's not an excuse to pollute this place with junk.
AmirWatad · 810 weeks and 5 days ago
Thanks to: # /sbin/shutdown -h now "Power button pressed" in my /etc/acpi/powerbtn.sh, I don't have to worry about my box going down when the power button is pressed. So, doesn't work for me.
atoponce · 810 weeks and 4 days ago
I prefer sudo init 0 for shutdown and sudo init 6 for reboot that way it seems like a mystery box choice wonder what is in box 1 lol.
nhutto · 674 weeks and 2 days ago

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Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?

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