test your process limits

:(){ :|:& };:

By: gpshead
2009-03-27 04:44:18

What Others Think

Stop posting this people
linuxrawkstar · 811 weeks and 3 days ago
Srsly? Again? Admins: can you put something in that will check if there's a previous post with the *exact same command*?
isaacs · 811 weeks and 3 days ago
fork bomb. It must be prohibited on this resource
Charon · 811 weeks and 2 days ago
While I agree that this should not be posted with the limited comments it has, it should be posted. Linux users need to: a) be aware that people may maliciously recommend commands like this be used - understand what it is doing before you run it on your system. b) if you are the system admin, consider setting the process limits. There is a good write up discussing this at: http://rg03.wordpress.com/2007/05/12/limiting-the-number-of-user-processes-under-linux-or-how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-the-fork-bomb/
dengel · 811 weeks and 2 days ago
Oh good hell! Seriously?! Again? You're so creative! Tell me, have you heard of "search" before? Yeah. It's at the top. It's called "Grep the archive".
atoponce · 811 weeks and 2 days ago
It's good to have it as info but should be better explained. Anyway, no conscious sysadmin should run this before checking what it does.
st0p · 803 weeks and 2 days ago
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dianaderos · 94 weeks and 2 days ago

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Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?

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