$ wget -qO- whatismyip.org$
Plain Text Ip Output, independent of Layout change. Show Sample Output
Returns your external IP address to the command line using only wget Show Sample Output
This is the command line I use to get my IP address in order to update my zoneedit account. Full script on my blog http://akim.sissaoui.com/linux-attitude/script-de-mise-a-jour-ddns-zoneedit-com-en-bashsh/ Show Sample Output
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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wget -O - -q myip.dk |grep '"Box"' | egrep -o '[0-9.]+'
wget -qO- whatismyip.org
It doesn't have any HTML or markup, just a plain ip. tryping $( wget -qO- whatismyip.org )
Will work flawlessly. If you find yourself using a external IP a lot, consider instead using a dynamic DNS client like http://no-ip.com or a similar service. Free, east setup, and they have open source daemons to update it automatically. This gives you an actual named URL, and you won't ever need to use this command. On ubuntu, runsudo aptitude search dyndns-client
Or search for "dynamic DNS" in your package manager to find some sites with supported services.wget --no-check-certificate -q checkip.dyndns.org -O index.html && cat index.html|cut -d ' ' -f 6 | cut -d '<' -f 1
The script is here http://akim.sissaoui.com/linux-attitude/script-de-mise-a-jour-ddns-zoneedit-com-en-bashsh/ (copy paste). The article is in french but hey... google translate is your best friend.