$ cat hello #!/bin/bash case "$1" in ""|-h) echo "This is the fantastic Hello World. Try this:" $(basename $0) "[entity]" ;; moon) echo Good night. ;; sun) echo Good morning. ;; world) echo "Hello, world!" ;; *) echo Hi, $@. ;; esac $ scrypt hello Enter the passphrase (maximum of 512 characters) Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers. Enter passphrase: Enter passphrase: Stdin was encrypted. $ cat hello.scrypt . <(echo "$(/usr/bin/tail -n+2 $0|base64 -d|mcrypt -dq)");exit; AG0DQHJpam5kYWVsLTEyOAAgAGNiYwBtY3J5cHQtc2hhMQAV34412aaE8sRzQPQzi09YaNQPedBz aGExAARvB6A/HYValW4txoCFmrlp57lmvhKBbM4p+OUiZcCxr6Y+Mm7ogg3Y14pHi0CrfT70Tubq 9g8/kNJrQr7W/ogHpVuOOdD0YfuRatrV7W2+OlNQ63KX780g4qTHrTqNnyLp8sF5RQ7GwxyZ0Oti kROtVIU4g4+QAtn/k/e7h7yt4404VF1zzCYRSw20wmJz1o/Z0XO7E/DFBr5Bau7bWjnF7CRVtims HGrDwv1miTtAcyB9PknymDxhSyjDUdNhqXGBIioUgqjX1CKgedtO0hQp050MiQd3I6HacpSrVUIW kuuS+BtMrxHDy+48Mh1hidV5JQFP7LP5k+yAVLpeHd2m2eIT1rjVE/Bp2cQVkpODzXcWQDUAswUd vulvj/kWDQ== $ ./hello This is the fantastic Hello World. Try this: hello [entity] $ ./hello.scrypt Enter passphrase: This is the fantastic Hello World. Try this: hello.scrypt [entity] $ ./hello world Hello, world! $ ./hello.scrypt world Enter passphrase: Hello, world!
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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