2009-06-03 12:21:35 +0900 3 hours ago add_cool_functionality 2009-06-02 16:15:13 +0900 24 hours ago remove_strange_bug 2009-06-02 16:12:20 +0900 24 hours ago implement_observer 2009-06-02 14:42:58 +0900 25 hours ago experiment_with_bobcat_feature
This fixes a bug found in the other scripts which fail when a branch has the same name as a file or directory in the current directory. Show Sample Output
Simpler and without all of the coloring gimmicks. This just returns a list of branches with the most recent first. This should be useful for cleaning your remotes. Show Sample Output
Add this line to your ~/.gitconfig for a git alias "git brd" (i.e., brd = (br)anch+(d)ate) which sorts branches by date. Allows you to pass in limited "git branch" options such as "-r" (remote) or "-a" (all). (Note: forum added "$" prefix to command; obviously in gitconfig there is no "$" prefix.) Show Sample Output
git branch-dates
and the script will be run.git brel
will do the proper thing. Of course, the single commandgit for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate --format='%1B[32m%(committerdate:iso8601) %1B[34m%(committerdate:relative) %1B[0;m%(refname:short)' refs/heads/
is easier to alias :)<a href="https://www.google.com">wow</a>