2018-04-13 Friday the 13th 2018-07-13 Friday the 13th 2019-09-13 Friday the 13th 2019-12-13 Friday the 13th 2020-03-13 Friday the 13th 2020-11-13 Friday the 13th 2021-08-13 Friday the 13th 2022-05-13 Friday the 13th 2023-01-13 Friday the 13th 2023-10-13 Friday the 13th 2024-09-13 Friday the 13th 2024-12-13 Friday the 13th 2025-06-13 Friday the 13th
I removed the dependency of the English language Show Sample Output
Simply change the years listed in the first seq, and it will print out all the months in that span of years that have Friday the 13ths in them. Show Sample Output
Alter the years in the first brace expansion to select your year range. Modify date format to your liking but leave " %w" at the end. Show Sample Output
Removed grep and simplified if statement. -- Friday is the 5th day of the week, monday is the 1st. Output may be affected by locale. Show Sample Output
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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