a b body br center div fieldset font form func:function func:result h1 h2 h4 head html i img input label li link meta noscript option p sc script select span strong style table tbody td textarea th title tr ul xsl:apply-templates xsl:attribute xsl:call-template xsl:choose xsl:copy-of xsl:for-each xsl:if xsl:include xsl:otherwise xsl:param xsl:stylesheet xsl:template xsl:text xsl:value-of xsl:variable xsl:when xsl:with-param
This set of commands was very convenient for me when I was preparing some xml files for typesetting a book. I wanted to check what styles I had to prepare but coudn't remember all tags that I used. This one saved me from error-prone browsing of all my files. It should be also useful if one tries to process xml files with xsl, when using own xml application.
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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