fbemailscraper YourFBEmail Password
Voila! Your contacts' emails will appear.
Facebook seems to have gotten rid of the picture encoding of emails and replaced it with a text based version making it easy to scrape!
Needs curl to run and it was made pretty quickly so there might be bugs.
fbemailscraper () { email="$1" ; password="$2" ; id="$(curl -m 5 --retry 1 -c /tmp/cookies -A "Opera" -Ls -d "email=$email&pass=$password&persistent=1" "https://login.facebook.com/login.php?m&next=http://m.facebook.com/profile.php" | grep -o "\&am\p\;id=.*&am\p;v=feed\&am\p;refid=17" | sed -e "s/.*profile.*id=\(.*\)\&am\p\;v=feed.*/\1/g")" ; curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -Ls -A "Opera" "http://www.facebook.com/ajax/typeahead_friends.php?u=$id&__a=1" | tr "\"" "\n" | grep facebook | tr -d "\\\\" | sed "s/www/m/g" | awk '{print $0 "?v=info&refid=17"}' | sed "/profile.php/s/?v=info/\&v=info/g" | while read line ; do curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -A "Opera" -Ls "$line" | tr \< "\n" | tr \> "\n" | grep "@.*\." | grep -v " " ; done ; rm /tmp/cookies ; }
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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rm: remove regular file `/tmp/cookies'?
fbemailscraper () { email="$1" ; password="$2" ; id="$(curl -m 5 --retry 1 -c /tmp/cookies -A "Opera" -Ls -d "email=$email&pass=$password&persistent=1" "https://login.facebook.com/login.php?m&next=http://m.facebook.com/profile.php" | grep -o "\&am\p\;id=.*&am\p;v=feed\&am\p;refid=17" | sed -e "s/.*profile.*id=\(.*\)\&am\p\;v=feed.*/\1/g")" ; curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -Ls -A "Opera" "http://www.facebook.com/ajax/typeahead_friends.php?u=$id&__a=1" | tr "\"" "\n" | grep facebook | tr -d "\\\\" | sed "s/www/m/g" | awk '{print $0 "?v=info&refid=17"}' | while read line ; do echo "$line" ; curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -A "Opera" -Ls "$line" | tr \< "\n" | tr \> "\n" | grep "@.*\." | grep -v " " ; done ; rm /tmp/cookies ; }
fbemailscraper () { email="$1" ; password="$2" ; id="$(curl -m 5 --retry 1 -c /tmp/cookies -A "Opera" -Ls -d "email=$email&pass=$password&persistent=1" "https://login.facebook.com/login.php?m&next=http://m.facebook.com/profile.php" | grep -o "\&am\p\;id=.*&am\p;v=feed\&am\p;refid=17" | sed -e "s/.*profile.*id=\(.*\)\&am\p\;v=feed.*/\1/g")" ; curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -Ls -A "Opera" "http://www.facebook.com/ajax/typeahead_friends.php?u=$id&__a=1" | tr "\"" "\n" | grep facebook | tr -d "\\\\" | sed "s/www/m/g" | awk '{print $0 "?v=info&refid=17"}' | sed "/profile.php/s/?v=info/\&v=info/g" | while read line ; do echo "$line" ; curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -A "Opera" -Ls "$line" | tr \< "\n" | tr \> "\n" | grep "@.*\." | grep -v " " ; done ; rm /tmp/cookies ; }
echo $SHELL
to make sure you are running bash. Or once you open Terminal just run:bash
and just run the command from there. Hope that helps.fbemailscraper.bashrc fbemailscraper YourFBEmail Password
?fbemailscraper YourFBEmail Password
Just make sure you run bash first./User/my_real_user_name/
but nothing and i'm running bash-3.2 maybe i need to change it some how to make work in snow leopard? any clues?sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/fbemailscraper (or where ever you put it)
Then run it like:fbemailscraper YourFBEmail Password
Script below.#!/bin/bash
id="$(curl -m 5 --retry 1 -c /tmp/cookies -A "Opera" -Ls -d "email=$email&pass=$password&persistent=1" "https://login.facebook.com/login.php?m&next=http://m.facebook.com/profile.php" | grep -o "\&am\p\;id=.*&am\p;v=feed\&am\p;refid=17" | sed -e "s/.*profile.*id=\(.*\)\&am\p\;v=feed.*/\1/g")"
curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -Ls -A "Opera" "http://www.facebook.com/ajax/typeahead_friends.php?u=$id&__a=1" | tr "\"" "\n" | grep facebook | tr -d "\\\\" | sed "s/www/m/g" | awk '{print $0 "?v=info&refid=17"}' | sed "/profile.php/s/?v=info/\&v=info/g" | while read line ; do curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -A "Opera" -Ls "$line" | tr \< "\n" | tr \> "\n" | grep "@.*\." | grep -v " " ; done
rm /tmp/cookies
Note this one does not display profile URLs, if you want that add "echo $line ;" after "read line ; do "(id="$(curl -m 5 --retry 1 -c /tmp/cookies -A "Opera" -Ls -d "email=$facebookemail&pass=$facebookpass&persistent=1" "https://login.facebook.com/login.php?m&next=http://m.facebook.com/profile.php" | grep -o "\&am\p\;id=.*&am\p;v=feed\&am\p;refid=17" | sed -e "s/.*profile.*id=\(.*\)\&am\p\;v=feed.*/\1/g")" ; curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -Ls -A "Opera" "http://www.facebook.com/ajax/typeahead_friends.php?u=$id&__a=1" | tr "\"" "\n" | grep facebook | tr -d "\\\\" | sed "s/www/m/g" | awk '{print $0 "?v=info&refid=17"}' | sed "/profile.php/s/?v=info/\&v=info/g" | while read line ; do curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -A "Opera" -Ls "$line" | tr \< "\n" | tr \> "\n" | grep "@.*\." | grep -v " " ; done) | xargs -I '{}' curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/atom+xml" -d "<atom:entry xmlns:atom='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:gd='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005'><atom:category scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind' term='http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008#contact' /><gd:email rel='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#home' address='{}' /></atom:entry>" -H "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=$(curl -s https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin -d Email=$googleemail -d Passwd=$googlepassword -d service=cp | grep Auth | sed 's/Auth=\(.*\)/\1/')" "http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/default/full"
curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -Ls -A "Opera" "http://www.facebook.com/ajax/typeahead_friends.php?u=$id&__a=1" | tr "\"" "\n" | grep facebook | tr -d "\\\\" | sed "s/www/m/g" | awk '{print $0 "?v=info&refid=17"}' | sed "/profile.php/s/?v=info/\&v=info/g" | while read line ; do curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -A "Opera" -Ls "$line" > /tmp/fbinfo; echo $(cat /tmp/fbinfo | grep div | sed 's|.*<div class="section"><div class="section_title">\([^<]*\)</div>.*|\1|')','$(cat /tmp/fbinfo | tr \< "\n" | tr \> "\n" | grep "@.*\." | grep -v " "); done
curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -Ls -A "Opera" "http://www.facebook.com/ajax/typeahead_friends.php?u=$id&__a=1" | tr "{" "\n" | grep facebook | sed "s/\"t\":\"\(.*\)\",\"i\":.*\"u\":\"\(.*\)\",\"n\":\".*/\1 # \2/g"
That should get the name and URL without resorting to a temporary file if used correctly. (echo $line | awk -F # '{print $1}' (or $2) or you could use cut -d # -f1 (or 2))curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -Ls -A "Opera" "http://www.facebook.com/ajax/typeahead_friends.php?u=$id&__a=1" | tr "{" "\n" | grep facebook | sed "s/\"t\":\"\(.*\)\",\"i\":.*\"u\":\"\(.*\)\",\"n\":\".*/\1,\2/g" | tr -d "\\\\" | while read line; do echo $(echo $line | cut -d , -f1)','$(curl -m 5 --retry 1 -b /tmp/cookies -A "Opera" -Ls $(echo $line | cut -d , -f2 | sed "s/www/m/g" | awk '{print $0 "?v=info&refid=17"}' | sed "/profile.php/s/?v=info/\&v=info/g") | tr \< "\n" | tr \> "\n" | grep "@.*\." | grep -v " "); done