mysql -uuser -ppass dbname < <(echo "SELECT * FROM database;")
This can be very usefull when working with mysql as I showed in the example code above. This will create a temporary file that is used to execute mysql and for example select all entrys from a specific database.
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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echo "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.user" | mysql
COUNT(*) 9mysql <<< "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.user"
<(some command)
works on zsh as wellsome command |
The process substitution is useful when you want to put some command's output into but won't take standard input for that particular function, only a filename. I've come across this a few times, I think with mplayer in one case. There's the similar >(some command) too, which provides a fifo to by filename and can thereby write to the input of some command.<(some command)
runs some command and connects its output to a fifo whose path is substituted into the command line, looking to as a filename. But then you're using the < to redirect the contents of the file (the fifo) to the standard input of This is exactly the same as using a pipe like this:some command |
The process substitution is useful when you want to put some command's output into but won't take standard input for that particular function, only a filename. I've come across this a few times, I think with mplayer in one case. There's the similar >(some command) too, which provides a fifo to by filename and can thereby write to the input of some command../ -c <(echo -e "du -cs %d > /tmp/dusize\nls -al %d") -u <(echo -e "cb0\nadmin\nroot") -h "/home/%U"
This sample script does need a command file, a userfile and a directory with placeholer. command file describes commands to excute one after another. userfile contains usernames on a line. Now the script reads in all those things and executes all commands in the command file in all diretorys whith all %U being replaced by usernames and alls %d being replaces by a diretory. Now you see this script takes 2 files as argument which are created in background. I thinks you can't do such things with pipes. Maybe with named pipes but I don't know much about < <(some command)
The<(some command)
gets substituted with the path to the fifo which is set up so you're left with something < /dev/fd4
where /dev/fd4 is the fifo connected to the output ofsome command
So /dev/fd4 is being redirected as *standard input* to -- its path is not being passed as an argument. You can do this with a normal pipe, likesome command |
The process substitution is only needed when you want the fifos which are set up to be passed as arguments to a command.