foundry-Now-Brocade-ip#sh default values sys log buffers:50 mac age time:300 sec telnet sessions:5 ip arp age:10 min bootp relay max hops:4 ip ttl:64 hops ip addr per intf:24 when multicast enabled : igmp group memb.:140 sec igmp query:60 sec when ospf enabled : ospf dead:40 sec ospf hello:10 sec ospf retrans:5 sec ospf transit delay:1 sec when bgp enabled : bgp local pref.:100 bgp keep alive:60 sec bgp hold:180 sec bgp metric:10 bgp local as:1 bgp cluster id:0 bgp ext. distance:20 bgp int. distance:200 bgp local distance:200 when IS-IS enabled : isis hello interval:10 sec isis hello multiplier:3 isis port metric:10 isis priority:64 isis csnp-interval:10 sec isis default-metric:10 isis distance:115 isis lsp-gen-interval:10 sec isis lsp-interval:33 msec isis lsp-refresh-interval:900 sec isis max-lsp-lifetime:1200 sec isis maximum-paths:4 isis retransmit-interval:5 sec isis spf-interval:5 sec System Parameters Default Maximum Current mac 32768 65536 32768 vlan 512 4095 512 spanning-tree 32 128 128 rstp 32 128 128 ip-arp 8192 65536 8192 ip-static-arp 2048 16384 2048 multicast-route 8192 153600 8192 dvmrp-route 2048 16384 2048 dvmrp-mcache 4096 4096 4096 pim-mcache 4096 4096 4096 igmp-max-group-addr 1024 4096 1024 ip-cache 204800 524288 204800 ip-route 204800 524288 204800 ip-subnet-port 24 128 24 virtual-interface 255 4095 1024 session-limit 32768 163840 32768 ip-filter-sys 4096 8192 4096 mgmt-port-acl-size 20 100 20 l2-acl-table-entries 64 256 64 vlan-multicast-flood 0 4095 0 ipv6-cache 65536 65536 65536 ipv6-route 65536 65536 65536 telnet@HQ-CORE-2(config)#sh default values sys log buffers:50 mac age time:300 sec telnet sessions:5 ip arp age:10 min bootp relay max hops:4 ip ttl:64 hops ip addr per intf:24 when multicast enabled : igmp group memb.:140 sec igmp query:60 sec when ospf enabled : ospf dead:40 sec ospf hello:10 sec ospf retrans:5 sec ospf transit delay:1 sec when bgp enabled : bgp local pref.:100 bgp keep alive:60 sec bgp hold:180 sec bgp metric:10 bgp local as:1 bgp cluster id:0 bgp ext. distance:20 bgp int. distance:200 bgp local distance:200 when IS-IS enabled : isis hello interval:10 sec isis hello multiplier:3 isis port metric:10 isis priority:64 isis csnp-interval:10 sec isis default-metric:10 isis distance:115 isis lsp-gen-interval:10 sec isis lsp-interval:33 msec isis lsp-refresh-interval:900 sec isis max-lsp-lifetime:1200 sec isis maximum-paths:4 isis retransmit-interval:5 sec isis spf-interval:5 sec System Parameters Default Maximum Current mac 32768 65536 32768 vlan 512 4095 512 spanning-tree 32 128 128 rstp 32 128 128 ip-arp 8192 65536 8192 ip-static-arp 2048 16384 2048 multicast-route 8192 153600 8192 dvmrp-route 2048 16384 2048 dvmrp-mcache 4096 4096 4096 pim-mcache 4096 4096 4096 igmp-max-group-addr 1024 4096 1024 ip-cache 204800 524288 204800 ip-route 204800 524288 204800 ip-subnet-port 24 128 24 virtual-interface 255 4095 1024 session-limit 32768 163840 32768 ip-filter-sys 4096 8192 4096 mgmt-port-acl-size 20 100 20 l2-acl-table-entries 64 256 64 vlan-multicast-flood 0 4095 0 ipv6-cache 65536 65536 65536 ipv6-route 65536 65536 65536
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