This microscript looks up a man page for each word possible, and if the correct page is not found, uses w3m and Google's "I'm feeling lucky" to output a first possible result. This script was made as a result of an idea on a popular Linux forum, where users often send other people to RTFM by saying something like "man backup" or "man ubuntu one". To make this script replace the usual man command, save it as ".man.sh" in your home folder and add the following string to the end of your .bashrc file: alias man='~/.man.sh' Show Sample Output
Sometimes you don't have man pages only '-h' or '--help'.
Simple edit to work for OSX. Now just add this to your ~/.profile and `source ~/.profile`
Same as the other rtfm's, but using the more correct xdg-open instead of $BROWSER. I can't find a way to open info only if the term exists, so it stays out of my version.
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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