lsoave@ubuntu:~/rails/heroku/$ git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch README.S3.settings' HEADRewrite b308c8301b3075aa56793e08127452e201b4f0ff (23/30)rm 'README.S3.settings' Rewrite 9967e7a1a422a7247d149c6225e14d03df7d6c67 (24/30)rm 'README.S3.settings' Rewrite 0b0ed75fdf09531565ed2970fa9a49cfa06442de (25/30)rm 'README.S3.settings' Rewrite e8c512abaf50c3025eb996fd93b705289852cf31 (26/30)rm 'README.S3.settings' Rewrite b09ca619e31b5bbedbc956bdf93fb8e8856a18c6 (27/30)rm 'README.S3.settings' Rewrite f270fafaa5962e255701b2bf14c1d3f2a4d50814 (28/30)rm 'README.S3.settings' Rewrite 74bbf277a98d0aa9b93e719063f06890fd155179 (29/30)rm 'README.S3.settings' Rewrite f57b3079e967ea641bfedd18e1c2a80d70805906 (30/30) Ref 'refs/heads/' was rewritten lsoave@ubuntu:~/rails/heroku/$
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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