Commands by NoahJames (0)

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Check These Out

Get info about a GitHub project
In this example we search for 'vim' but vim doesn't have a project on github right now. That's ok, this command still searches for every project that has 'vim' in their description (forks, plugins, etc). To get XML or JSON output just replace 'yaml' in the url with 'xml' or 'json'.

Convert AVI to iPhone MP4

statistics in one line
In this example, file contains five columns where first column is text. Variance is calculated for columns 2 - 5 by using perl module Statistics::Descriptive. There are many more statistical functions available in the module.

Collect a lot of icons from /usr/share/icons (may overwrite some, and complain a bit)
Today I needed to choose an icon for an app. My simpler way: put all of /usr/share/icons in myicons folder and brows'em with nautilus. Then rm -r 'ed the entire dir.

Lists unambigously names of all xml elements used in files in current directory
This set of commands was very convenient for me when I was preparing some xml files for typesetting a book. I wanted to check what styles I had to prepare but coudn't remember all tags that I used. This one saved me from error-prone browsing of all my files. It should be also useful if one tries to process xml files with xsl, when using own xml application.

Virtual Console lock program
vlock command locks the current console by default. Also you can lock all the consoles on the server by using -a parameter. For details, pl man vlock. ps: Generally speaking , system will not install vlock programme . So you should use ' $ sudo apt-get install vlock ' to install vlock .

iso to USB with dd and show progress status

Perl Command Line Interpreter
Can also just use the debug mode like this.

Matrix Style
Same as above but slooooow it down

Extract audio track from a video file using mencoder
Extracts an MP3 encoded audio stream from an input video file.

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