Commands tagged bash (822)

  • Example : vim /etc/fstab ## damn <ctrl+u> sudo <ctrl+y> ## like a boss. Example 2 : sudo vim /root/bin/ ##uh... autocomplete doesn't work... <ctrl+u> sudo ls /root/bin ##ah! that's the name of the file! <ctrl+y> sudo vim /root/bin/ ##resume here! Thanks readline!

    <ctrl+u> [...] <ctrl+y>
    adeverteuil · 2010-07-23 03:33:46 37

  • 148
    disown -a && exit
    prayer · 2009-04-10 12:22:34 33
  • When using reverse-i-search you have to type some part of the command that you want to retrieve. However, if the command is very complex it might be difficult to recall the parts that will uniquely identify this command. Using the above trick it's possible to label your commands and access them easily by pressing ^R and typing the label (should be short and descriptive). UPDATE: One might suggest using aliases. But in that case it would be difficult to change some parts of the command (such as options, file/directory names, etc).

    some_very_long_and_complex_command # label
    jamolkhon · 2009-09-08 05:58:27 42

  • 100
    lsof -P -i -n
    OJM · 2009-09-19 18:28:48 37
  • CDPATH tells the cd command to look in this colon-separated list of directories for your destination. My preferred order are 1) the current directory, specified by the empty string between the = and the first colon, 2) the parent directory (so that I can cd lib instead of cd ../lib), 3) my home directory, and 4) my ~/projects directory.

    haivu · 2009-03-20 14:50:25 25
  • /usr/sbin/ab2 -f TLS1 -S -n 1000 -c 100 -t 2 then !:- is the same as /usr/sbin/ab2 -f TLS1 -S -n 1000 -c 100 -t 2

    new_user · 2010-05-15 15:12:47 21
  • The biggest advantage of this over the functions is that it is portable.

    mkdir /home/foo/doc/bar && cd $_
    kzh · 2011-08-12 11:29:19 19
  • This is the result of a several week venture without X. I found myself totally happy without X (and by extension without flash) and was able to do just about anything but watch YouTube videos... so this a the solution I came up with for that. I am sure this can be done better but this does indeed work... and tends to work far better than YouTube's ghetto proprietary flash player ;-) Replace $i with any YouTube ID you want and this will scrape the site for the _real_ URL to the full quality .FLV file on Youtube's server and will then will hand that over to mplayer (or vlc or whatever you want) to be streamed. In some browsers you can replace $i with just a % or put this in a shell script so all YouTube IDs can be handed directly off to your media player of choice for true streaming without the need for Flash or a downloader like clive. (I do however fully recommend clive if you wish to archive videos instead of streaming them) If any interest is shown I would be more than happy to provide similar commands for other sites. Most streaming flash players use similar logic to YouTube. Edit: 05/03/2011 - Updated line to work with current YouTube. It could be a lot prettier but I will probably follow up with another update when I figure out how to get rid of that pesky Grep. Sed should take that syntax... but it doesn't. Original (no longer working) command: mplayer -fs $(echo "$(curl -s $youtube_url | sed -n "/watch_fullscreen/s;.*\(video_id.\+\)&title.*;\1;p")") Show Sample Output

    i="8uyxVmdaJ-w";mplayer -fs $(curl -s "$i" | echo -e $(sed 's/%/\\x/g;s/.*\(v[0-9]\.lscache.*\)/http:\/\/\1/g') | grep -oP '^[^|,]*')
    lrvick · 2009-03-09 03:57:44 58
  • defines a handy function for quick calculations from cli. once defined: ? 10*2+3 Show Sample Output

    ? () { echo "$*" | bc -l; }
    fizz · 2009-06-28 20:15:30 30
  • This version uses read instead of eval.

    read day month year <<< $(date +'%d %m %y')
    putnamhill · 2011-07-29 15:05:19 28
  • You're running a script, command, whatever.. You don't expect it to take long, now 5pm has rolled around and you're ready to go home... Wait, it's still running... You forgot to nohup it before running it... Suspend it, send it to the background, then disown it... The ouput wont go anywhere, but at least the command will still run... Show Sample Output

    ^Z $bg $disown
    fall0ut · 2009-03-17 21:52:52 30
  • for one line per process: ss -p | cat for established sockets only: ss -p | grep STA for just process names: ss -p | cut -f2 -sd\" or ss -p | grep STA | cut -f2 -d\"

    ss -p
    Escher · 2009-09-19 21:55:01 15
  • This is how I typically grep. -R recurse into subdirectories, -n show line numbers of matches, -i ignore case, -s suppress "doesn't exist" and "can't read" messages, -I ignore binary files (technically, process them as having no matches, important for showing inverted results with -v) I have grep aliased to "grep --color=auto" as well, but that's a matter of formatting not function.

    grep -RnisI <pattern> *
    birnam · 2009-09-22 15:09:43 33
  • Same as, but for bash. This will show a numerical value for each of the 256 colors in bash. Everything in the command is a bash builtin, so it should run on any platform where bash is installed. Prints one color per line. If someone is interested in formatting the output, paste the alternative.

    for code in {0..255}; do echo -e "\e[38;05;${code}m $code: Test"; done
    scribe · 2010-06-19 02:14:42 15
  • This command shows the various shortcuts that can be use in bash, including Ctrl+L, Ctrl+R, etc... You can translate "\C-y" to Ctrl+y, for example. Show Sample Output

    bind -P
    ricardofunke · 2012-05-28 18:51:59 18
  • show only the name of the apps that are using internet Show Sample Output

    lsof -P -i -n | cut -f 1 -d " "| uniq | tail -n +2
    edo · 2009-09-19 21:23:54 26
  • This uses Bash's "process substitution" feature to compare (using diff) the output of two different process pipelines.

    diff <(cd dir1 && find | sort) <(cd dir2 && find | sort)
    mbirk · 2009-05-21 04:44:29 46
  • How often do you make a directory (or series of directories) and then change into it to do whatever? 99% of the time that is what I do. This BASH function 'md' will make the directory path then immediately change to the new directory. By using the 'mkdir -p' switch, the intermediate directories are created as well if they do not exist. Show Sample Output

    md () { mkdir -p "$@" && cd "$@"; }
    drewk · 2009-09-24 16:09:19 21
  • If you're a moron like me, sometimes your fingers get away from you and you, for example, enter your password when you're already authenticated to ssh-agent, sudo, etc., and your password ends up in shell history. Here's how to get it out. Show Sample Output

    history -d
    sud0er · 2009-04-27 20:19:09 19
  • sorts the files by integer megabytes, which should be enough to (interactively) find the space wasters. Now you can dush for the above output, dush -n 3 for only the 3 biggest files and so on. It's always a good idea to have this line in your .profile or .bashrc Show Sample Output

    alias dush="du -sm *|sort -n|tail"
    funky · 2010-03-26 10:18:57 16
  • Run the alias command, then issue ps aux | head and resize your terminal window (putty/console/hyperterm/xterm/etc) then issue the same command and you'll understand. ${LINES:-`tput lines 2>/dev/null||echo -n 12`} Insructs the shell that if LINES is not set or null to use the output from `tput lines` ( ncurses based terminal access ) to get the number of lines in your terminal. But furthermore, in case that doesn't work either, it will default to using the deafault of 12 (-2 = 10). The default for HEAD is to output the first 10 lines, this alias changes the default to output the first x lines instead, where x is the number of lines currently displayed on your terminal - 2. The -2 is there so that the top line displayed is the command you ran that used HEAD, ie the prompt. Depending on whether your PS1 and/or PROMPT_COMMAND output more than 1 line (mine is 3) you will want to increase from -2. So with my prompt being the following, I need -7, or - 5 if I only want to display the commandline at the top. ( ) 275MB/748MB [7995:7993 - 0:186] 06:26:49 Thu Apr 08 [askapache@n1-backbone5:/dev/pts/0 +1] ~ In most shells the LINES variable is created automatically at login and updated when the terminal is resized (28 linux, 23/20 others for SIGWINCH) to contain the number of vertical lines that can fit in your terminal window. Because the alias doesn't hard-code the current LINES but relys on the $LINES variable, this is a dynamic alias that will always work on a tty device. Show Sample Output

    alias head='head -n $((${LINES:-`tput lines 2>/dev/null||echo -n 12`} - 2))'
    AskApache · 2010-04-08 22:37:06 15
  • You can use [n]> combined with >(cmd) to attach the various output file descriptors to be the input of different commands.

    some_command > >(/bin/cmd_for_stdout) 2> >(/bin/cmd_for_stderr)
    tylerl · 2009-12-01 03:58:04 16
  • I save this to bin/iptrace and run "iptrace ipaddress" to get the Country, City and State of an ip address using the service. I add the following to my script to get a tinyurl of the map as well: URL=`lynx -dump$1|grep details|awk '{print $2}'` lynx -dump$URL|grep tinyurl|grep "19. http"|awk '{print $2}'

    lynx -dump$1|grep address|egrep 'city|state|country'|awk '{print $3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8}'|sed 's\ip address flag \\'|sed 's\My\\'
    leftyfb · 2009-02-25 17:16:56 49
  • Uses the last argument of the last executed command, and gets the directory name from it. Use $!:t for the filename alone, without the dirname. Show Sample Output

    cd !$:h
    lingo · 2009-08-07 00:37:08 17
  • Add this to a fiend's .bashrc. PROMPT_COMMAND will run just before a prompt is drawn. RANDOM will be between 0 and 32768; in this case, it'll run about 1/10th of the time. \033 is the escape character. I'll call it \e for short. \e7 -- save cursor position. \e[%d;%dH -- move cursor to absolute position \e[4%dm \e[m -- draw a random color at that point \e8 -- restore position.

    PROMPT_COMMAND='if [ $RANDOM -le 3200 ]; then printf "\0337\033[%d;%dH\033[4%dm \033[m\0338" $((RANDOM%LINES+1)) $((RANDOM%COLUMNS+1)) $((RANDOM%8)); fi'
    hotdog003 · 2010-04-01 06:52:32 18
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Check These Out

set your screensaver as your desktop background MAC OSX

Grep syslog today last hour
Uses date to grep de logfile for today and uses it to get the last hour logs. Can be used to get last minute logs or today's logs.

Check if *hardware* is 32bit or 64bit
This command tell you if your hardware is 32 or 64 bits even if you install a 32bits OS on a 64 bits hardware. If your distro don't support the -q switch, try doing : $ grep &>/dev/null '\' /proc/cpuinfo && echo 64 bits || echo 32 bits

Function to create an alias on the fly
Is used like this: mkalias rmcache "rm -rfv app/cache/*"

Get the size of all the directories in current directory
OSX's BSD version of the du command uses the -d argument instead of --max-depth.

generate playlists from youtube ( or othre things that support yt-dlp)

view the system memory in clear text
see what's in your memory right now... sometimes you find passwords, account numbers and url's that were recently used. Anyone have a safe command to clear the memory without rebooting?

Check if port is open on remote machine
Check if port is open, if you don't have ncat on your machine.

Get the Nth argument of the last command (handling spaces correctly)
Bash's history expansion character, "!", has many features, including "!:" for choosing a specific argument (or range of arguments) from the history. The gist is any number after !: is the number of the argument you want, with !:1 being the first argument and !:0 being the command. See the sample output for a few examples. For full details search for "^HISTORY EXPANSION" in the bash(1) man page.    Note that this version improves on the previous function in that it handles arguments that include whitespace correctly.

Extracting a range of pages from a PDF, using GhostScript
In this example we extract pages 14-17

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