sorts the files by integer megabytes, which should be enough to (interactively) find the space wasters. Now you can
for the above output,
dush -n 3
for only the 3 biggest files and so on. It's always a good idea to have this line in your .profile or .bashrc
Show Sample Output
Very useful when you need disk space. It calculates the disk usage of all files and dirs (descending them) located at the current directory (including hidden ones). Then sort puts them in order.
This allows the output to be sorted from largest to smallest in human readable format.
ncdu is a text-mode ncurses-based disk usage analyzer. Useful for when you want to see where all your space is going. For a single flat directory it isn't more elaborate than an du|sort or some such thing, but this analyzes all directories below the one you specify so space consumed by files inside subdirectories is taken into account. This way you get the full picture. Features: file deletion, file size or size on disk and refresh as contents change. Homepage: Show Sample Output
This is easy to type if you are looking for a few (hundred) "missing" megabytes (and don't mind the occasional K slipping in)...
A variation without false positives and also finding gigabytes (but - depending on your keyboard setup - more painful to type):
du -hs *|grep -P '^(\d|,)+(M|G)'|sort -n
(NOTE: you might want to replace the ',' according to your locale!)
Don't forget that you can
modify the globbing as needed! (e.g. '.[^\.]* *' to include hidden files and directories (w/ bash))
in its core similar to:
Show Sample Output
OSX's BSD version of the du command uses the -d argument instead of --max-depth.
Just how much space are those zillions of database logs taking up ? How much will you gain on a compression rate of say 80% ? This little line gives you a good start for your calculations. Show Sample Output
Show sizes of all files and directories in a directory in size order.
du -hs * | sort -hr
for reverse order.
Taken from
Show Sample Output
Sort disk usage from directories in the current directory Show Sample Output
Often you need to find the files that are taking up the most disk space in order to free up space asap. This script can be run on the enitre filesystem as root or on a home directory to find the largest files. Show Sample Output
This combines the above two command into one. Note that you can leave off the last two commands and simply run the command as "find /home/ -type f -exec du {} \; 2>/dev/null | sort -n | tail -n 10" The last two commands above just convert the output into human readable format.
OpenVZ: Get disk quota usage for your VEID Show Sample Output
as per eightmillion's comment. Simply economical :)
In OSX you would have to make sure that you "sudo -s" your way to happiness since it will give a few "Permission denied" errors before finally spitting out the results. In OSX the directory structure has to start with the "Users" Directory then it will recursively perform the operation. Your Lord and master, Mematron Show Sample Output
Enhanced version: fixes sorting by human readable numbers, and filters out non MB or GB entries that have a G or an M in their name. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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