Just how much space are those zillions of database logs taking up ? How much will you gain on a compression rate of say 80% ? This little line gives you a good start for your calculations. Show Sample Output
Creates files in $DATE and hardlinks existing files to $PREVDATE. Thus full backup in each directory. Only drawback is changed modification time. Recommend a wrapper script to determine $DATE and $PREVDATE. Works like a charm. (Dirvish handrolled)
This could be added to .bashrc. Background: Linux usually saves history only on clean exit of shell. If shell ends unclean, history is lost. Also numerous terminals might confuse their history. With this variable set, history is immedeately written, accessible to all other open shells.
Although rm is protected against it, there are many commands that would wreak havoc on entering the obvious ".*" to address "dot-files". This sweet little expression excludes the dirs "." and ".." that cause the problems. Show Sample Output
Intentional hash in the beginning. May run a looong time. Wipes your data for real. Was meant to be /dev/urandom - I mistyped it. :-)
Searches all files,dirs (also hidden) recursively
AFAIR this is the wording ;)
Also searches for aliases and shell builtins Show Sample Output
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