# from xfce session to avoid keyboard shortcut clashing # start xephyr in VGA1 monitor: Xephyr -keybd ephyr,,,xkbmodel=evdev,xkblayout=it -listen tcp -ac -reset -output VGA1 :5 # then start an xterm locally export DISPLAY=:5.0 xterm # and remote ssh (no X fw needed if local tcp with access disablesd (-tcp -ac) => UNSECURE!!! ssh remote-host export DISPLAY=notebook:5.0 xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources xterm -geometry 132x50-0+0 # start awesome dbus-launch $(which awesome) dex -a -e Awesome Show Sample Output
Alternative1 (grep support): pacman -Ss python | paste - - | grep --color=always -e '/python' | less -R Alternative2 (eye-candy, no grep): pacman --color=always -Ss "python" | paste - - | less -R in ~/.bashrc: pkg-grep() { pacman -Ss "$1" | paste - - | grep --color=always -e "${2:-$1}" | less -R ; } pkg-search() { pacman --color=always -Ss "python" | paste - - | less -R; } Show Sample Output
Transfer tar stream thru nc with pv montoiring taken from: http://www.catonmat.net/blog/unix-utilities-pipe-viewer/ Show Sample Output
Show TCP Listen ports sorted by number (bugs: IPV6 addresses not supported) Show Sample Output
grabbed from Andrew Aylett post: http://superuser.com/questions/133313/can-i-speed-up-cygwins-fork Show Sample Output
in Cygwin, start X server fullscreen ... For openGL, check here: http://www.cs.utoronto.ca/~wongam/d18_cygwin_opengl_setup/cygwin_opengl_setup.html
XDMCP ust be enabled (gdm,lightdm,xdm etc ) Show Sample Output
alternatives: xinit $(which gnome-awesome-session) with cat /usr/local/bin/gnome-awesome-session: #!/bin/bash exec gnome-session --session awesome "$@" following: http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/Quickly_Setting_up_Awesome_with_Gnome note: in ubuntu 12.10 a probable Xephyr recent bug rejects keybd option ... Show Sample Output
ssh compresion -C option ... on slow connection VNC performs better but in local LAN native secure X protocol is an option Show Sample Output
taken from http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-scripting/158311-how-tee-stderr.html " What does it mean? The redirection operator n>&m makes file descriptor n to be a copy of file descriptor m. So, whe are: - Opening a new file descriptor, 3, that is a copy of file descriptor 1, the standard output; - Making file descriptor 1 a copy of file descriptor 2, the standard error output; - Making file descriptor 2 to be a copy of file descriptor 3 (the "backup" of the standard output) in a short: we swapped the standard output and the standard error output. "
extract data in multiline blocks of data with perl pattern matching loop Show Sample Output
depends on date format locale ... Show Sample Output
useful to count events in logs @see: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/10327/report-summary-of-string-occurrence-by-time-period-hour#comment Show Sample Output
useful to count events in logs Show Sample Output
- excel date compatible with a separate hour field - added a fixed 1 for easier request counter aggregation - split URL in directory, filename, fileext, query - used with tomcat valve with response bytes replaced by elapsed time Show Sample Output
with a semicolon text file map, apply multiple replace to a single file Show Sample Output
from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1030787/multiline-search-replace-with-perl added greedy trick in wildcard match (.*?) from http://www.troubleshooters.com/codecorn/littperl/perlreg.htm#Greedy Show Sample Output
shell loop to scan netstat output avoiding loolback aliases (local/remote swap for local connections) Show Sample Output
use imagemagik convert
rename file name with fixed length nomeric format pattern Show Sample Output
change keyboard layout in X
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