This will save your open windows to a file (~/.windows).
To start those applications:
cat ~/.windows | while read line; do $line &; done
Should work on any EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager.
If you use DWM or another Window Manager not using EWMH or NetWM try this:
xwininfo -root -children | grep '^ ' | grep -v children | grep -v '<unknown>' | sed -n 's/^ *\(0x[0-9a-f]*\) .*/\1/p' | uniq | while read line; do xprop -id $line _NET_WM_PID | sed -n 's/.* = \([0-9]*\)$/\1/p'; done | uniq -u | grep -v '^$' | while read line; do ps -o cmd= $line; done > ~/.windows
Show Sample Output
After executing this, click on a window you want to track X Window events in. Explaination: "xev will track events in the window with the following -id, which we get by greping window information obtained by xwininfo" Show Sample Output
bash output is inserted into the clipboard, then mousepad is started and the clipboard content is pasted. xsel and xdotool needs to be installed. Instead of the mousepad any other editor can be used. I've successfully tested the Sublime Text Editor and it opens a new tab for each new paste. Check Sample output for a usage example. This command is originated from here - Show Sample Output
This command is suitable to use as application launching command for a desktop shortcut. It checks if the application is already running by pgrepping its process ID, and offer user to kill the old process before starting a new one. It is useful for a few x11 application that, if re-run, is more likely a mistake. In my example, x2vnc is an x11 app that does not quit when its connection is broken, and would not work well when a second process establish a second connection after the first broken one. The LC_ALL=C for xmesseng is necessary for OpenSUSE systems to avoid a bug. If you don't find needing it, remove the "env LC_ALL=C" part
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