Commands tagged Process Management (21)

  • Continue with: killall -CONT -m firefox Suspends all Firefox Threads. Results in Zero CPU load. Useful when having 100+ Tabs open and you temporarily need the power elsewhere. Be careful - might produce RACE CONDITIONS or LOCKUPS in other processes or FF itself. matching is case sensitive.

    killall -STOP -m firefox
    Schneckentreiber · 2009-05-18 20:02:44 16
  • you can also pipe it to "tail" command to show 10 most memory using processes. Show Sample Output

    ps aux --sort=%mem,%cpu
    mrwill · 2009-10-10 22:48:51 9
  • Invoked from within a shell script, this will print the directory in which the script resides. Doesn't depend on external tools, /proc/self/*, etc.. (`echo` is a shell builtin.) To see the *current working* directory of a script, use `pwd`.

    echo "${0%/*}"
    mhs · 2011-04-17 12:09:56 13
  • This command is useful when you want to know what process is responsible for a certain GUI application and what command you need to issue to launch it in terminal. Show Sample Output

    xprop | awk '/PID/ {print $3}' | xargs ps h -o pid,cmd
    jackhab · 2009-02-16 07:55:19 88
  • I don't truly enjoy many commands more than this one, which I alias to be ps1.. Cool to be able to see the heirarchy and makes it clearer what need to be killed, and whats really going on. Show Sample Output

    command ps -Hacl -F S -A f
    AskApache · 2009-08-19 07:08:19 10
  • This is an alternative to another command using two xargs. If it's a command you know there's only one of, you can just use: ls -l /proc/$(pgrep COMMAND)/cwd Show Sample Output

    eval ls -l /proc/{$(pgrep -d, COMMAND)}/cwd
    splante · 2011-04-14 13:41:58 8

  • 2
    echo COMMAND | xargs -ixxx ps -C xxx -o pid= | xargs -ixxx ls -l /proc/xxx/cwd
    ento · 2009-02-25 05:49:03 11

  • 2
    readlink /proc/self/cwd
    linuts · 2011-04-14 23:14:28 8
  • Shows a less detailed output, made only of the process tree and their pids.

    pstree -p
    Octave · 2009-08-20 23:31:30 3
  • If you have ever been trying to look for a list of processes based on their elapsed time you don't need to look any further. This command lets you find the list of processes ordered in a reversed order (oldest at the top) that have been running for over an hour on your system. Any system processes are filtered out, leaving only user initiated ones in. I find it extremely useful for debugging and performance analysis. Show Sample Output

    ps -eo etime,pid,pcpu,ppid,args | sed -e '/\[.\+\]/d' -e '/^[ \t]*[0-9]\{2\}:[0-9]\{2\} /d' | sort -k1r
    neurodrone · 2014-02-14 00:22:31 11
  • This will email a message with the body: "rsync done" when there are no processes of rsync running. This can be changed for other uses by changing $(pgrep rsync) to something else, and echo "rsync done" | mailx to another command.

    $(while [ ! -z "$(pgrep rsync)" ]; do echo; done; echo "rsync done" | mailx > /dev/null &
    matthewbauer · 2009-08-14 19:46:59 4
  • This command is suitable to use as application launching command for a desktop shortcut. It checks if the application is already running by pgrepping its process ID, and offer user to kill the old process before starting a new one. It is useful for a few x11 application that, if re-run, is more likely a mistake. In my example, x2vnc is an x11 app that does not quit when its connection is broken, and would not work well when a second process establish a second connection after the first broken one. The LC_ALL=C for xmesseng is necessary for OpenSUSE systems to avoid a bug. If you don't find needing it, remove the "env LC_ALL=C" part

    sh -c 'if pgrep x2vnc && env LC_ALL=C xmessage -button "Kill it:0,Ignore it:1" "Another connection is already running. Should I kill it instead of ignoring it?"; then killall x2vnc; fi; x2vnc -passwd /home/Ariel/.vnc/passwd -east emerson:0'
    zhangweiwu · 2010-07-06 09:11:12 5
  • The pwdx command reports the current working directory of a process or processes. Show Sample Output

    pwdx $(pgrep command)
    weidenrinde · 2013-02-01 08:33:15 8
  • This command will show the sum total of memory used in gigabytes by a program that spawns multiple instances of itself. Replace chrome with whatever program's memory usage you are investigating. This command is rather useless on software that only spawns a single instance of itself. Show Sample Output

    ps -eo pmem,comm | grep chrome | cut -d " " -f 2 | paste -sd+ | bc
    Darkstar · 2014-01-03 15:33:16 12
  • Displays memory usage for individual instances of an application that spawns multiple instances of itself. This command also works on single process applications. Show Sample Output

    ps -eo pmem,comm | grep application-name
    Darkstar · 2014-02-23 13:21:29 7

  • -1
    CMD=chrome ; ps h -o pmem -C $CMD | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum}'
    pdxdoughnut · 2014-01-08 23:05:09 9
  • I think this is the cleanest way of getting the current working directory of a script. It also works on osx, Linux, and probably bsd as well..

    current_dir=$(cd $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE);pwd)
    xeor · 2011-04-18 09:24:14 4
  • Taskkill: As the name of the utility ?taskkill? suggests that it is simply used to see the running processes and to kill one or more processes either by using its PID i.e. ProcessID or by using its Image name i.e. by which it is present in system and being executed. We can also filter the results on the basis of user name, PID, image name, CPU time, memory usage etc at the time of killing or terminating a process. Syntax: taskkill [/s [/u [\] [/p []]]] {[/fi ] [...] [/pid /im ]} [/f] [/t] Parameters description: /s :- To provide IP specification or name of the remote computer; if not provided local computer is considered. Do not use backslashes in the value of the parameter. /u \ :- To provide UserName or Domain\UserName under whose permission command should execute. If not provided then command run under the permission of person who is logged on. Option /u can be used only if /s is specified. /p :- For the password of that user account which is provided with /u parameter. Password is prompted in case this field is omitted. /fi :- To apply filter to select a set of tasks. Wildcard character (*) can be used for specifying all tasks or image names. Filter names are provided after parameter description. /pid >ProcessID> :- For specifying PID of the process to be killed. /im :- For providing image name of the process to be terminated. Also Wildcard character (*) can be used to specify all image names. /t :- To terminate the whole tree of the process including all child processes started by it. /f :- For forceful termination of process. It is not omitted in case of remote process as they are terminated forcefully in default. Filters description: Filters are provided to filter the result. This filtering is based on some Filter names which are checked with some relational operators. You will observe that the filter names are the column names which comes in task manager. Filter Name Valid Operators Valid Values STATUS eq,ne RUNNINGNOT RESPONDINGUNKNOWN IMAGENAME eq, ne Name of image PID eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le ProcessID number SESSION eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le Session number CPUTIME eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le CPU time in the format HH:MM:SS, where MM and SS are between 0 and 59 and HH is any unsigned number MEMUSAGE eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le Memory usage(in KB) USERNAME eq, ne Any valid user name (User or Domain\User) SERVICES eq, ne Service name WINDOWTITLE eq, ne Window title MODULES eq, ne DLL name where eq, ne, gt, lt, ge & le are meant for equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, greater than equal to and less than equal to respectively. Points to be noted: In case of remote process WINDOWTITLE and STATUS filters are not supported. Wildcard (*) character is accepted for /im option only when filter is applied. Not necessary that /f is specified in case of remote process termination as in default that is terminated forcefully. Don?t specify computer name to HOSTNAME filter as it will result in a shutdown and all processes are stopped. For specifying ProcessID (PID) tasklist command can be used. Examples: To terminate a process with PID 3276 use parameter /pid. ?taskkill /pid 3276 To terminate more than one process with pid as 2001, 2224, 4083. ?taskkill /pid 2001 /pid 2224 /pid 4083 To terminate a process with its image name like wmplayer.exe for Windows Media Player use /im parameter. ?taskkill /im wmplayer.exe To terminate a process and all its child process i.e. to end process tree in task manager use /t parameter. ?taskkill /f /im explorer.exe /t To terminate all those processes which have PID greater than or equal to 1500 without considering their image names use filter ge with wildcard character. ?taskkill /f /fi ?PID ge 1500? /im * To terminate the process tree with PID 2521 which is started by account name admin. ?taskkill /pid 2521 /t /fi ?USERNAME eq admin? To terminate all process beginning with note on a remote system named serverpc under user name ?administrator? having its password as ?qu@dc()r3?. ?taskkill /s serverpc /u administrator /p qu@dc()r3 /fi ?IMAGENAME eq note*? /im * To terminate a process with its windows title as ?paint? ?taskkill /f /fi ?WINDOWTITLE eq paint? Source: Show Sample Output

    Taskkill /?
    StephenJudge · 2011-10-01 17:47:11 3

  • -4
    ps aux | grep -v `whoami`
    unixmonkey4415 · 2009-06-26 08:28:06 8
  • A simple but effective replacement for ps aux. I used to waste my time running ps over and over; top is the way to go. It also allows complex sorting options. Press q to exit "nicely" (Ctrl + C is always an option, of course). Note that the list updates each second, resorting in the process; if you're trying to grab a specific PID, you might be better off with ps. htop Alternatively, htop is available, though it may not come pre-installed. htop is slightly more interactive than top and includes color coding, visuals, and a nice interface for selecting and then killing processes. (Thanks to bwoodacre for this great tool.) Show Sample Output

    Zenexer · 2009-03-18 00:03:42 14
  • The taskkill command has the option of the curve, for a complete list just type: taskkill /? As we know, but to give a practical example, suppose you want to act only on the user's processes Cicciopalla use this command

    taskkill /F /FI "USERNAME eq Cicciopalla"
    0disse0 · 2012-02-05 12:00:52 4

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Fetch every font from to current folder
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Get full from half remembered commands
Show all commands having the part known by you. Eg: $apropos pdf | less

Dump dvd from a different machine onto this one.
You can use this to directly dump from machine A (with dvd drive) to machine B (without dvd drive) . I used this to copy dvd using my friend's machine to my netbook. Above command is to be issued on machine B. Advantages : 1) No wasting time dumping first to machine A and then copying to Machine B. 2) You dont need to use space on Machine A. In fact, this will work even when Machine A doesnt have enough hdd space to dump the DVD. Use -C ssh option on slow networks (enables compression). you can replace "dd if=/dev/dvd" with any ripping command as long as it spews the iso to stdout.

rot13 simple substitution cipher via command line
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list files recursively by size

Find duplicate UID in /etc/passwd
You can use only awk

Calculate days on which Friday the 13th occurs
I removed the dependency of the English language

Test a SSLv2 connection
Test for weak SSL version.

Mirror every lvol in vg00 in hp-ux 11.31

Another way to see the network interfaces
Like many other thing in Linux ,you can see the same thing in different way.

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