Commands tagged windows (84)

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Check These Out

Create a new file

Remove grep itself from ps
When you 'ps|grep' for a given process, it turns out that grep itself appears as a valid line since it contains the RE/name you are looking for. To avoid grep from showing itself, simply insert some wildcard into process' name.

Lurk what's going on on remote console

Search some text from all files inside a directory

a shell function to print a ruler the width of the terminal window.
A similar version for Bash that doesn't require cut and shortens the function in a few places. And it uses local variables. (similar to a version by eightmillion in a comment on the another version)

Filter IP's in apache access logs based on use
Show's per IP of how many requests they did to the Apache webserver

Convert video files to XviD

printing barcodes
64 elements max on 16 rows, 4 cols. GNU Barcode will adapt automagically the width and the eight of your elements to fill the page. Standard output format is PostScript.

Remove all unused kernels with apt-get
Remove old kernels (*-generic and *-generic-pae) via apt-get on debian/ubuntu based systems. Tested on ubuntu 10.04 - 12.04.

Get your external IP address
Request all information about my IP address in json format

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