* in bash-shell You can capture the current commandline to a text-editor: * simply press: CTRL+x+e * Your current commandline will pe put into Your default text-editor (export EDITOR=vim)
In the sample output, I pressed ctrl+r and typed the letters las. I can't imagine how much typing this has saved me. Show Sample Output
Check all bash scripts in current dir for syntax errors WITHOUT running them. Show Sample Output
Recursively rename .JPG to .jpg using standard find and mv. It's generally better to use a standard tool if doing so is not much more difficult.
This command will set bash as the default shell for all users in a FreeBSD system.
Calculates the size on disk for each package installed on the filesystem (or removed but not purged). This is missing the
| sort -rn
which would put the biggest packges on top. That was purposely left out as the command is slightly on the slow side
Also you may need to run this as root as some files can only be checked by du if you can read them ;)
Show Sample Output
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Simple command to convert a large number of images into jpeg-format. Will delete originals after conversion.
Sends both stdout and stderr to the pipe which captures the data in the file 'out.test' and sends to stdout of tee (likely /dev/tty unless redirected). Works on Bourne, Korn and Bash shells.
Doesn't work so well if you connect from windows. Linux only sends LF where windows wants CRLF. The alternative command works better with windows, however it uses script and a named pipe.
If script.sh contains only these two lines: $ uname -a $ whoami Show Sample Output
sleep 1h ; sudo command
sudo sleep 1h ; sudo command
won't work, because by the time the delay is up, sudo will want your password again.
Convert some SVG files into PNG using ImageMagick's convert command. Run the conversions in parallel to save time. This is safer than robinro's forkbomb approach :-) xargs runs four processes at a time -P4
Display commands and their arguments as they are executed. Useful for debugging shell scripts. Show Sample Output
I'll let Slayer handle that. Raining Blood for your pleasure.
If this command prints 'x' then your shell is vulnerable. Null output confirms that you are protected. Further reading: http://allanmcrae.com/2014/09/shellshock-and-arch-linux/ Show Sample Output
alternatively, run the spinner for 5 seconds: timeout 5 bash -c 'spinner=( Ooooo oOooo ooOoo oooOo ooooO oooOo ooOoo oOooo); while true; do for i in ${spinner[@]}; do for j in seq 0 ${#i}; do echo -en "\b\b"; done; echo -ne "${i}"; sleep 0.2; done; done' Show Sample Output
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