In the example, uid 0 is root. foo:foo are the user:group you want to make owner and group. '.' is the "current directory and below." -print0 and -0 indicate that filenames and directories "are terminated by a null character instead of by whitespace."
-t, --target-directory=DIRECTORY (copy all SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY).
In the sample output, I pressed ctrl+r and typed the letters las. I can't imagine how much typing this has saved me. Show Sample Output
Depends on GET. You can also replace GET with curl, or `wget -qO -` if GET isn't available.
Surround the first letter of what you are grepping with square brackets and you won't have to spawn a second instance of grep -v. You could also use an alias like this (albeit with sed): alias psgrep='ps aux | grep $(echo $1 | sed "s/^\(.\)/[\1]/g")'
`split -b 1k file` splits files into 1k chunks. Rejoin them with `cat x* > file`.
Optionally, one can use {1..50} instead of seq. E.g. for i in {1..50} ; do echo Iteration $i ; done Show Sample Output
convert is included in ImageMagick. Don't forget the [X] (where X is the page number). [0] is the first page of the PDF.
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