Create a tar file in multiple parts if it's to large for a single disk, your filesystem, etc. Rejoin later with `cat .tar.*|tar xf -` Show Sample Output
Leave it to a proprietary software vendor to turn a cheap and easy parlor trick into a selling point. "Hey guys, why don't we turn our _collection of multiple files_ into a *collection of multiple files*!!" Extract the ^above with this:
cat pics.tar.gz.??? | tar xzv
^extract on any Unix - no need to install junkware!
(If you must make proprietary software, at least make it do something *new*)
if [ -e windows ]; then use 7-Zip
Split File in 19 MB big parts, putting parts together again via cat Nameforpartaa Nameforpartab Nameforpartac >> File Show Sample Output
Avoiding a for loop brought this time down to less than 3 seconds on my old machine. And just to be clear, 33554432 = 8192 * 4086.
just a bit simpler
Good for summing the numbers embedded in text - a food journal entry for example with calories listed per food where you want the total calories. Use this to monitor and keep a total on anything that ouputs numbers. Show Sample Output
`split -b 1k file` splits files into 1k chunks. Rejoin them with `cat x* > file`.
using perl
Real DVD+R size is 4700372992 bytes, but I round down a little to be safe. To reconstitute use cat. "cat file.img.gz.aa file.img.gz.ab ..... > file.img.gz" Show Sample Output
For some reason split will not let you add extension to the files you split. Just add this to a .sh script and run with bash or sh and it will split your text file at 12000 lines for each file and then add a .sql extension to the file name.
To recombine split files: cat file.gz.part* > file.gz Show Sample Output
This is just a little snippit to split a large file into smaller chunks (4mb in this example) and then send the chunks off to (e)mail for archival using mutt.
I usually encrypt the file before splitting it using openssl:
openssl des3 -salt -k <password> -in file.tgz -out file.tgz.des3
To restore, simply save attachments and rejoin them using:
cat file.tgz.* > output_name.tgz
and if encrypted, decrypt using:
openssl des3 -d -salt -k <password> -in file.tgz.des3 -out file.tgz
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