This command is more robust because it handles spaces, newlines and control characters in filenames. It uses printf, not ls, to determine file size.
Writes out the shebang line (#!/bin/bash) to the script.
This function uses xmllint to evaluate xpaths. Usage: xpath /path/to/element XMLfile
Usage: upper [STRING]... Show Sample Output
Usage: lower [STRING]... Show Sample Output
Usage: mailme message
This is a useful function if you want to get notified about process completion or failure. e.g.
mailme "process X completed"
Diffs two xml files by formatting them first using xmllint and then invoking diff. Usage: diffxml XMLFile1 XMLFile2
Usage: upto directory Show Sample Output
Usage: jd dir
Requires globstar. To set globstar use:
shopt -s globstar
This function uses xmllint to evaluate xpaths. Usage: xpath /some/xpath XMLfile Show Sample Output
using perl
My old Solaris server does not have lsof, so I have to use pfiles.
Depending on your installation, when you run ps you will only get the first 40 or so characters displayed. In order to view the entire string, use /usr/ucb/ps on Solaris.
Instead of using: 0,15,30,45 * * * * /path/to/command
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