pretty self explanitory
It requires, that comes with brew: brew install jq Show Sample Output
[jeff@omniscience container] (master)$ echo docker run $(printf -- " -e %s" ${DOCKER_APP_VARS[*]}) -name 12factorapp mattdm/fedora-small
docker run -e DATABASE_USER=dbuserro, -e DATABASE_PASSWORD=maipass -name 12factorapp mattdm/fedora-small
Note that the printf method by itsself doesn't include a newline (\n), so you'll need to embed it into an echo statement or something that does.
Show Sample Output
Download latest released gitlab docker container
Sometimes things break. You can find the most recent errors using a combination of journalctl, along with the classic tools sort and uniq Show Sample Output
When you run a lot of containers the built in docker ps output becomes unreadable. This command formats the output to be easier on the eyes. Requires q ( text as data. Show Sample Output
Applies 'docker rm' to all container IDs that appear in 'docker ps -a' but not in 'docker ps' - i.e. the ones that are not running. Show Sample Output
Docker rmi won't remove images from running containers. This just tries to delete everything, so you'll get errors for anything that's in use.
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