Commands using set (54)

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Check These Out

Find the 10 users that take up the most disk space
In OSX you would have to make sure that you "sudo -s" your way to happiness since it will give a few "Permission denied" errors before finally spitting out the results. In OSX the directory structure has to start with the "Users" Directory then it will recursively perform the operation. Your Lord and master, Mematron

Convert a bunch of HTML files from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 file encoding in a folder and all sub-folders
This is my first attempt at converting all HTML files to UTF-8 file encoding, including all subfolders. Theres probably a much more compact way to do it, but I'm quite proud of it with my windows background ;)

Uptime in minute
Want to run scripts/programs in the system after starting X minute [ For letting the system to free ]? This will give uptime in minute.

list files recursively by size

Find the most recent snapshot for an AWS EBS volume
Uses the python-based AWS CLI ( and the JSON query tool, JQ (

Adding Prefix to File name
Good old bracket expansion :-) For large numbers of files, "rename" will spare you the for-loop, or the find/exec...

Display last exit status of a command
The variable ? contain the last exit status of a command, it can be printed for troubleshooting purpose.

grep certain file types recursively
doesn't do case-insensitive filenames like iname but otherwise likely to be faster

List only executables installed by a debian package
Maybe not clean with big package and too long argument. But return every file who can be executed.

Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
This one is a bit more robust -- the remote machine may not have an .ssh directory, and it may not have an authorized_keys file, but if it does already, and you want to replace your ssh public key for some reason, this will work in that case as well, without duplicating the entry.

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