This lets you use your favorite vi edit keys to navigate your term. To set it permanently, put "set editing-mode vi" in your ~/.inputrc or /etc/inputrc.
By default bash expands an unbound variable to an empty string. This can be dangerous, if a critical variable name (a path prefix for example) has a typo. The -u option causes bash to treat this as an error, and the -e option causes it to exit in case of an error. These two together will make your scripts a lot safer against typos. The default behaviour can be explicitly requested using the ${NAME:-} syntax. A (less explicit) variation: #!/bin/bash -eu Show Sample Output
Use set +o noclobber and you will be able to replace files again Show Sample Output
Turn shell tracing and verbosity (set -xv) on/off in any Bourne-type shell If either -x or -v is set, the function turns them both off. If neither is on, both are turned on.
the 'set -x' mode can be exited by typing
set +x
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Change Random Wallpaper on Gnome 3
If you set noclobber to on, bash won't allow redirection to overwrite existing files .
set -o noclobber command turn the option on (default it s off ) .
You can still append information but not overwrite the file .to turn it back off use : $ set +o noclobber .
I use it because i overwrite a file by accident , after thought , content of the file was very important , creating a one more file mean nothing for my hard disk (we are not anymore on the 64 k memory time) , but content of file is far much important . What we call exeprience :(
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vix /tmp/
Open a file directly with execution permission.
Put the function in your .bashrc
You can also put this in your vimrc:
command XX w | set ar | silent exe "!chmod +x %" | redraw!
and open a new file like this:
vi +XX /tmp/
For if you want to use vi key bindings in the terminal
If you spend all day editing in vi then switching your fingers to Emacs mode just for the command line can be difficult. Use set -o vi in your bash shell and enjoy the power of a real editor.
If you issue the "set" command, you'll see a list of variables and functions. This command displays just those functions' names. Show Sample Output
Prompts the user for username and password, that are then exported to http_proxy for use by wget, yum etc Default user, webproxy and port are used. Using this script prevent the cleartext user and pass being in your bash_history and on-screen Show Sample Output
Running this command turns shell tracing and shell verbose debugging on or off. Not only does it do that, it also uses your terminals builtin method of setting colors to make debugging much easier.
It looks at the current shell options contained in the $- special bash variable and that lets this function set the opposite of the current value. So from the shell you could do a:
setx; echo "y" | ( cat -t ) | echo "d"; setx
and it will turn on debbuggin.
This is an amazingly useful function that is perfect to add system-wide by adding it to /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc.. You can run it from the shell, and you can also use it in your shell scripts like my .bash_profile -
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The biggest advantage over atoponce's nifty original is not killing the scrollback. Written assuming bash, but shouldn't be terribly difficult to port to other shells. S should be multiple spaces, but I can't get commandlinefu to save/show them properly, any help?
Mutes the speakers after an hour, in case you fall asleep watching a video...
Pros: Works in all Windows computers, most updated and compatible command. Cons: 3 liner Replace with your site name.
`multipath -ll` requires Device Mapper multipath.conf configuration. And of course, replace "3PARdata,VV" with your disk array's SCSI vendor,LUN name. - GPT partition table allows you to create >2TB partitions
unsets variables used by the one-liner sets up the IFS bash variable to not be affected by whitespace and disables extra glob expansion uses read to slurp the results of the find command into an array selects an element of the array at random to be passed as an argument to mplayer is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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