While I love gpg and truecrypt there's some times when you just want to edit a file and not worry about keys or having to deal needing extra software on hand. Thus, you can use vim's encrypted file format. For more info on vim's encrypted files visit: http://www.vim.org/htmldoc/editing.html#encryption Show Sample Output
This makes an alias for a command named 'busy'. The 'busy' command opens a random file in /usr/include to a random line with vim. Drop this in your .bash_aliases and make sure that file is initialized in your .bashrc.
The hyphen tells vim to open from STDOUT - saves having to create temporary files.
Simple way to achieve a colored SVN diff
inside vim try: :help 42 to get the meaning of life, the universe and everything !
Edit the files, each in a separate tab. use gT and gt to move to the left- and right-tab, respectively. to add another tab while editing, type ':tabe filename'
-o acts like :spit. Use -O (capital o) for side-by-side like :vsplit. Use vim -d or vimdiff if you need a diff(1) comparison. To split gnu Screen instead of vim, use ^A S for horizontal, ^A | for vertical.
Here is the full function (got trunctated), which is much better and works for multiple queries. function cmdfu () { local t=~/cmdfu; until [[ -z $1 ]]; do echo -e "\n# $1 {{{1" >> $t; curl -s "commandlinefu.com/commands/matching/$1/`echo -n $1|base64`/plaintext" | sed '1,2d;s/^#.*/& {{{2/g' | tee -a $t > $t.c; sed -i "s/^# $1 {/# $1 - `grep -c '^#' $t.c` {/" $t; shift; done; vim -u /dev/null -c "set ft=sh fdm=marker fdl=1 noswf" -M $t; rm $t $t.c } Searches commandlinefu for single/multiple queries and displays syntax-highlighted, folded, and numbered results in vim. Show Sample Output
If you vim a compressed file it will list all archive content, then you can pickup any of them for editing and saving. There you have the modified archive without any extra step. It supports many file types such as tar.gz, tgz, zip, etc.
Will colorize your svn diff.
For editing files added to the index:
vim `git diff --name-only --cached`
To edit all changed files:
vim `git diff --name-only HEAD`
To edit changed files matching glob:
vim `git diff --name-only -- '*.html'`
If the commands needs to support filenames with whitespace, it gets a bit hacky (see http://superuser.com/questions/336016/invoking-vi-through-find-xargs-breaks-my-terminal-why for the reason):
git diff --name-only -z | xargs -0 bash -c '</dev/tty vim "$@"' x
The last part can be put in a script named e.g. vimargs, and used with any command outputting NUL separated filenames:
git grep -lz foobar | vimargs
I often use "vim -p" to open in tabs rather than buffers.
The option --porcelain makes the output of git easier to parse. This one-liner may not work if there is a space in the modified file name.
``vimhtml somefile.txt`` will open vim for the HTML convertion and close it immediately after its done, leaving you with somefile.html which you can later use in your website or whatever.
Catches .swp, .swo, .swn, etc. If you have access to lsof, it'll give you more compressed output and show you the associated terminals (e.g., pts/5, which you could then use 'w' to figure out where it's originating from): lsof | grep '\.sw.$' If you have swp files turned off, you can do something like: ps x | grep '[g,v]im', but it won't tell you about files open in buffers, via :e [file]. Show Sample Output
Checks the apache configuration syntax, if is OK then restart the service otherwise opens the configuration file with VIM on the line where the configuration fails.
This will skip all initializations. Especially useful when your ~/.vimrc has something wrong.
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