``vimhtml somefile.txt`` will open vim for the HTML convertion and close it immediately after its done, leaving you with somefile.html which you can later use in your website or whatever.
I find it useful when I want to add another crontab entry and I need to specify the appropriate PATH. I give ''whichpath'' a list of programs that I use inside my script and it gives me the PATH I need to use for this script. ''whichpath'' uses associative array, therefore you should have Bash v4 in order to run it. See sample output. Show Sample Output
I find it useless but definitely simpler than #9230 Show Sample Output
Usage: say hello world how are you today
Grep will read the contents of each file in PWD and will use the REs $1 $2 ... $n to match the contents.
In case of match, grep will print the appropriate file, line number and the matching line.
It's just easier to write
ff word1 word2 word3
Instead of
grep -rinE 'word1|word2|word3' .
Show Sample Output
That is an alternative to command 8368.
Command 8368 is EXTREMELY NOT clever.
1) Will break also for files with spaces AND new lines in them AND for an empty expansion of the glob '*'
2) For making such a simple task it uses two pipes, thus forking.
3) xargs(1) is dangerous (broken) when processing filenames that are not NUL-terminated.
4) ls shows you a representation of files. They are NOT file names (for simple names, they mostly happen to be equivalent). Do NOT try to parse it.
Why? see this :http://mywiki.wooledge.org/ParsingLs
Recursive version:
find . -depth -name "*foo*" -exec bash -c 'for f; do base=${f##*/}; mv -- "$f" "${f%/*}/${base//foo/bar}"; done' _ {} +
Show Sample Output
I often write a one-liner which I want to use later in a script. Show Sample Output
Since Bash doesn't support two-dimensional arrays, you can limit your columns length by some big enough constant value ( in this example 100 ) and then index the array with i and j, or maybe write your own get() and set() methods to index the array properly like I implemented for example ( see Sample output ). For example for i=0 and j=0...99 you'll pick up one of 100 elements in the range [0,99] in the one-dimensional array. For i=1 and j=0...99 you'll pick up one of 100 elements in the range [100,199]. And so on. Be careful when using this, and remember that in fact you are always using one-dimensional array. Show Sample Output
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