Prints a graphical directory tree from your current directory Show Sample Output
-d: list directory entries instead of contents, and do not dereference symbolic links
Negative shell globs already come with bash. Make sure to turn on extended pattern matching with 'shopt -e extglob'.
I often deal with long file names and the 'ls -l' command leaves very little room for file names. An alternative is to use the -h -o and -g flags (or together, -hog). * The -h flag produces human-readable file size (e.g. 91K instead of 92728) * The -o suppresses the owner column * The -g suppresses the group column Since I use to alias ll='ls -l', I now do alias ll='ls -hog' Show Sample Output
This command finds and prints all the symbolic and hard links to a file. Note that the file argument itself be a link and it will find the original file as well.
You can also do this with the inode number for a file or directory by first using stat or ls or some other tool to get the number like so:
stat -Lc %i file
ls -Hid file
And then using:
find -L / -inum INODE_NUMBER -exec ls -ld {} +
The URL can then be pasted with a middle click. This is probably useful when trying to explain problems over instant messaging when you don't have some sort of shared desktop.
I'm working in a group project currently and annoyed at the lack of output by my teammates. Wanting hard metrics of how awesome I am and how awesome they aren't, I wrote this command up. It will print a full repository listing of all files, remove the directories which confuse blame, run svn blame on each individual file, and tally the resulting line counts. It seems quite slow, depending on your repository location, because blame must hit the server for each individual file. You can remove the -R on the first part to print out the tallies for just the current directory. Show Sample Output
You can convert any UNIX man page to .txt
This helped me find a botnet that had made into my system. Of course, this is not a foolproof or guarantied way to find all of them or even most of them. But it helped me find it.
no loop, only one call of grep, scrollable ("less is more", more or less...)
requires "youtube-dl" -- sure you can do this with wget and some more obscurity but why waste your time when this great tool is available?
the guts consist of mplayer converting a video to a gif -- study this command and read the man page for more information
mplayer video.flv -ss 00:23 -endpos 6 -vo gif89a:fps=5:output=output.gif -vf scale=400:300 -nosound
generates a 6 second gif starting at 23 seconds of play time at 5 fps and a scale of 400x300
start time (-ss)/end time (-endpos) formats: 00:00:00.000
end time should be relative to start time, not absolute. i.e. -endpos 5 == seconds after 0:42 = 0:47 end point
play with fps and scale for lower gif sizes
the subshell is a solution for the -b flag on youtube-dl which downloads the best quality video, sometimes, which can be various video formats $(ls ${url##*=}*| tail -n1)
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Requieres unoconv (debian package)
If you want to operate on a set of items in Bash, and at least one of them contains spaces, the `for` loop isn't going to work the way you might expect. For example, if the current dir has two files, named "file" and "file 2", this would loop 3 times (once each for "file", "file", and "2"):
for ITEM in `ls`; do echo "$ITEM"; done
Instead, use a while loop with `read`:
ls | while read ITEM; do echo "$ITEM"; done
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This command will find the biggest files recursively under a certain directory, no matter if they are too many. If you try the regular commands ("find -type f -exec ls -laSr {} +" or "find -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -laSr") the sorting won't be correct because of command line arguments limit. This command won't use command line arguments to sort the files and will display the sorted list correctly. Show Sample Output
Show time and date when you installed your OS. Show Sample Output
You need to have fortune and cowsay installed. It uses a subshell to list cow files in you cow directory (this folder is default for debian based systems, others might use another folder). you can add it to your .bashrc file to have it great you with something interesting every time you start a new session. Show Sample Output
Find when debian packages were installed on a system.
1. find file greater than 10 MB 2. direct it to xargs 3. xargs pass them as argument to ls Show Sample Output
This command will give you the same list of files as "find /etc/ -name '*killall' | xargs ls -l". In a simpler format just do 'ls /etc/**/file'. It uses shell globbing, so it will also work with other commands, like "cp /etc/**/sshd sshd_backup". Show Sample Output
List all commands present on system by folder.
PATH contains all command folder separated by ':'. With ${PATH//:/ }, we change ':' in space and create a list of folder for ls command.
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Use this command if you want to rename all subtitles for them to have the same name as the mp4 files. NOTE: The order of "ls -1 *.mp4" must match the order of "ls -1 *.srt", run the command bellow to make sure the *.srt files will really match the movies after run this command: paste -d:
This command would be useful when it is desirable to list only the directories.
Other options
Hidden directory
ls -d .*/
Other path
ls -d /path/to/top/directory/.*/
Long format:
ls -ld */
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