OK, not the most useful but a good way to impress friends. Requires the "display" command from ImageMagick.
Given some images (jpg or other supported formats) in input, you obtain a single PDF file with an image for every page.
Parses /etc/group to "dot" format and pases it to "display" (imagemagick) to show a usefull diagram of users and groups (don't show empty groups).
Add calendar to desktop wallpaper , mess with the coordinates to place where you like
parse "lsmod" output to "dot" format and pass it to "display". Without perl!
Create a favicon suitable for use on your web site. Note: ppmtowinicon is part of libpbm, not ImageMagick.
This command will resize an image (keeping the aspect ratio) to a specific resolution, meaning the resulting image will never be smaller than this resolution. For example, if we have a 2048x1000 image, the output would be 1229x600, not 1024x600 or 1024x500. Same thing for the height, if the image is 2000x1200, the output would be 1024x614.
Requires: imagemagick and graphviz
On Debian systems, displays a graph of package dependencies. Works also with other image formats, like svg :
apt-cache dotty bash | dot -T svg | display
Requires ImageMagick. Takes a screenshot 5 seconds after it's run and saves it as desktop_screenshot.jpg Particularly handy when made into a menu option or button.
The linux package imagmagick is required for this command
Please take notice that if you are going to use an JPG file for shadow effect, let change -background none to -background white! Because -background none make a transparent effect while JPG doesn't support transparent! And when viewing, you will get a bacl box! So we will use an white background under! We can use other color as well!
This oneliner uses Imagemagic's identify utility to show the exif GPS information of an image an also converts Grad/MIn/Sec representation to a decimal degree number Show Sample Output
Use ImageMagick to create a "black and white" copy of an image.
rotate: the rotate angle
width, $height: width and height to scale to
birghtness: change brighness
like 7300, but doesn't clutter your working directory with old qr.*.png files. This will get the QR barcode, and send it right into ImageMagick's 'display' tool. Usage is the same as 7300; just call this function followed by the URL:
qrurl http://xkcd.com
Yes, You could do it in the GIMP or even use Inkscape to auto-align the clones, but the command line is so much easier. NOTE: The +clone and -clone options are just to shorten the command line instead of typing the same filename eight times. It might also speed up the montage by only processing the image once, but I'm not sure. "+clone" duplicates the previous image, the following two "-clone"s duplicate the first two and then the first four images. NOTE2: The -frame option is just so that I have some lines to cut along. BUG: I haven't bothered to calculate the exact geometry (width and height) of each image since that was not critical for the visa photos I need. If it matters for you, it should be easy enough to set using the -geometry flag near the end of the command. For example, if you have your DPI set to 600, you could use "-geometry 800x1200!" to make each subimage 1⅓ x 2 inches. You may want to use ImageMagick's "-density 600" option to put a flag in the JPEG file cuing the printer that it is a 600 DPI image. BUG2: ImageMagick does not autorotate images based on the EXIF information. Since the portrait photo was taken with the camera sideways, I made the JPEG rotate using jhead like so: jhead -autorot 2007-08-25-3685.jpg
In general, this is actually not better than the "scrot -d4" command I'm listing it as an alternative to, so please don't vote it down for that. I'm adding this command because xwd (X window dumper) comes with X11, so it is already installed on your machine, whereas scrot probably is not. I've found xwd handy on boxen that I don't want to (or am not allowed to) install packages on. NOTE: The dd junk for renaming the file is completely optional. I just did that for fun and because it's interesting that xwd embeds the window title in its metadata. I probably should have just parsed the output from file(1) instead of cutting it out with dd(1), but this was more fun and less error prone. NOTE2: Many programs don't know what to do with an xwd format image file. You can convert it to something normal using NetPBM's xwdtopnm(1) or ImageMagick's convert(1). For example, this would work: "xwd | convert fd:0 foo.jpg". Of course, if you have ImageMagick already installed, you'd probably use import(1) instead of xwd. NOTE3: Xwd files can be viewed using the X Window UnDumper: "xwud <foo.xwd". ImageMagick and The GIMP can also read .xwd files. Strangely, eog(1) cannot. NOTE4: The sleep is not strictly necessary, I put it in there so that one has time to raise the window above any others before clicking on it. Show Sample Output
Useful to test programs and webpages. Show Sample Output
If you skip this part:
-density 300x300
you'll get a very lo-res image.
use imagemagik convert
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