Commands using apt (50)

  • That command installs "most" and make this command as the default man reader. The "most" works like "less" (the current man reader), but it render colors for manpages and may do more things. Read "man most". You can see a preview here:

    apt-get install most && update-alternatives --set pager /usr/bin/most
    aurium · 2010-01-04 14:13:55 19

  • 13
    apt-get install `ssh root@host_you_want_to_clone "dpkg -l | grep ii" | awk '{print $2}'`
    BoxingOctopus · 2011-05-10 13:33:51 8
  • Bash's here string

    sudo -s <<< 'apt update -y && apt upgrade -y'
    metropolis · 2019-08-07 14:03:30 142
  • Requires: imagemagick and graphviz On Debian systems, displays a graph of package dependencies. Works also with other image formats, like svg : apt-cache dotty bash | dot -T svg | display

    apt-cache dotty apache2 | dot -T png | display
    raphink · 2009-02-18 14:27:31 14

  • 8
    apt-get moo
    vavincavent · 2009-02-15 21:15:38 29
  • search ubuntu's remote package source repositories for a specific program to see which package contains it Show Sample Output

    apt-file find bin/programname
    nickleus · 2009-11-10 10:21:45 9
  • Shows all configurations to apt and dpkg, rarely changed, you probably still have the default configuration. Go ahead and explore your configuration if you dare, perhaps change your apt-cache directory, Dir::Cache "var/cache/apt/"; or the names of the log files. Show Sample Output

    apt-config dump
    LinuxMan · 2011-12-13 19:11:02 8

  • 5
    apt-file search iostat
    tersmitten · 2011-07-24 11:56:31 8
  • This will take the packages matching a given `apt-cache search` query (a collection of AND'd words or regexps) and tell you how popular they are. This is particularly nice for those times you have to figure out which solution to use for e.g. a PDF reader or a VNC client. Substitute "" for "" if you want this to use Ubuntu's data instead. Everything else will work perfectly. Show Sample Output

    apt-popcon() { (echo \#rank; apt-cache search "$@" |awk '$1 !~ /^lib/ {print " "$1" "}') |grep -Ff- <(wget -qqO- |gunzip); }
    adamhotep · 2012-09-08 00:29:31 5

  • 4
    apt-cache stats
    0disse0 · 2009-09-03 19:29:17 3
  • Create Debian package dependency graph using GraphViz

    apt-cache dotty PKG-NAME | dot -Tpng | display
    auriza · 2010-01-02 16:20:56 5

  • 3
    apt-get --just-print upgrade
    noqqe · 2010-02-18 11:19:05 9
  • if you don't want to show string "version?, then use awk or cut filter it: apt-cache show pkgname | grep -i "version:" | awk '{ print $2 }' we can also use regex to search many packages and show their versions: apt-cache search pkgregex | grep -i "version:" Show Sample Output

    apt-cache show pkgname | grep -i "version:"
    emacs · 2010-06-03 00:48:39 5
  • This let's you find out the total packages that have available upgrades. Usefull if you want to check or show the total available upgrades on your system. Show Sample Output

    apt-get -s upgrade | awk '/[0-9]+ upgraded,/ {print $1 " package updates are available"}'
    lpanebr · 2012-03-29 17:04:32 4
  • After, check if working by executing this command locally : git clone git@ Tutorial :

    apt-get -y install git-core gitosis; adduser --home /home/git --gecos "git user" git; su git -c "ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /home/git/.ssh/id_rsa; gitosis-init < ~/.ssh/id_rsa"
    strzel_a · 2010-12-19 20:37:12 6
  • Works for debian and ubuntu based distros. Show Sample Output

    apt list --upgradable | grep -v 'Listing...' | cut -d/ -f1 | tr '\r\n' ' ' | sed '$s/ $/\n/'
    bugmenot · 2019-12-13 16:16:19 302
  • An apt-get wrapper function which will run the command via sudo, but will run it normally if you're only downloading source files. This was a bit of an excuse to show off the framework of cmd && echo true || echo false ...but as you can see, you must be careful about what is in the "true" block to make sure it executes without error, otherwise the "false" block will be executed. To allow the apt-get return code to pass through, you need to use a more normal if/else block: apt-get () { if [ "$1" = source ]; then command apt-get "$@"; else sudo apt-get "$@"; fi }

    apt-get () { [ "$1" = source ] && (command apt-get "$@";true) || sudo apt-get "$@" }
    mulad · 2009-02-19 04:17:24 12
  • Taken from apticron and modified. Show Sample Output

    apt-get --ignore-hold --allow-unauthenticated -s dist-upgrade | grep ^Inst | cut -d ' ' -f2
    phunehehe · 2013-01-07 11:21:58 5
  • Usefull if you only want to see the package names, or if you want to use them in a script.

    apt-get -s upgrade | awk '/Inst.+/ {print $2}'
    lpanebr · 2013-03-25 21:23:11 5
  • In this case, linux- is the prefix; simply running apt-cache pkgnames would list every package APT knows about. The default APT config assumes -g, --generate; to use the cache as/is, you could similarly run: apt-cache --no-generate pkgnames [prefix] Adding --all-names, like so: apt-cache --no-generate --all-names pkgnames [prefix] would print all the packages APT knows about, using the cache as/is, including virtual packages and missing dependencies. This command was shamelessly stolen from the apt-cache(8) man-page. Show Sample Output

    apt-cache pkgnames linux-
    benjabean1 · 2014-12-14 06:48:57 8
  • An alternative without aptitude.

    apt-mark showmanual|xargs sudo apt-mark markauto
    DellDor · 2015-08-10 02:35:22 12
  • If, for example, you want to remove all kernels and headers but the last three versions, you can't use one of that magic all-in-one "remove old stuff" commands. With this simple but elegant command you can remove a range of versions, or a list of versions with e.g. {14,16,20}. Show Sample Output

    apt purge linux*{14..18}*
    ppq · 2016-04-20 07:44:55 11
  • This will also work with bash instead of sh shell sudo bash -c 'apt update -y && apt upgrade -y'

    sudo sh -c 'apt update -y && apt upgrade -y'
    ioshield · 2019-07-31 04:39:40 455
  • Search the names and descriptions of all available packages and prints out the name and the short description.

    apt-cache search someregex
    chrisdrew · 2009-02-07 09:15:19 23
  • For example: check the APT security keys to make sure the Google digital signature was imported correctly Show Sample Output

    apt-key list
    0disse0 · 2009-09-03 19:32:11 3
  •  1 2 > 

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Check These Out

Recursively remove all files in a CVS directory
This will search all directories and ignore the CVS ones. Then it will search all files in the resulting directories and act on them.

Show memory stats on Nexenta/Solaris

Press a key automatically
Press a key automatically via xvkbd.

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

Normalize volume in your mp3 library
This normalizes volume in your mp3 library, but uses mp3gain's "album" mode. This applies a gain change to all files from each directory (which are presumed to be from the same album) - so their volume relative to one another is changed, while the average album volume is normalized. This is done because if one track from an album is quieter or louder than the others, it was probably meant to be that way.

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

pretend to be busy in office to enjoy a cup of coffee
using seq inside a subshell instead of a bash sequence to create increments.

Create md5sum of files under the current dir excluding some directories
Useful if you want get all the md5sum of files but you want exclude some directories. If your list of files is short you can make in one command as follow: $ find . -type d \( -name DIR1 -o -name DIR2 \) -prune -o -type f -exec md5sum {} \; Alternatively you can specify a different command to be executed on the resulting files.

Use color grep by default
Alias the grep command to show colored results by default.

Use jq to validate and pretty-print json output
The `jq` tool can also be used do validate json files and pretty print output: ` jq < file.json` Available on several platforms, including newer debian-based systems via `#sudo apt install jq`, mac via `brew install jq`, and from source This alternative to the original avoids the useless use of cat

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