Read all lines using decimal marker as point, then add all them up and outputs the result. Show Sample Output
Thanks to this user: Show Sample Output
Lists all installed kernels minus the current one. This is useful to uninstall older kernels that take too much space on /boot partition. Show Sample Output
Read a file or standard input and only outputs lines that start with a dot or period "." Show Sample Output
Get the two first lines of a file and quit. Show Sample Output
Extracts only file number 12 from file. It's meant for text files. Replace 12 with the number you want. First line starts at 1 not 0. We use q on next line so doesn't process any line more.
Use -i option to edit directly a file: sed -i 's|\/|\\|g' file Show Sample Output
Use -i to edit file directly: sed -i 's|\\|\/|g' file Show Sample Output
It his example removes ' dog', last space included. Show Sample Output
Downloads the frame of given YouTube video at 8 minutes 14 seconds. Requested format is "299", which 1080p only video.
A text file contains thousands of numbers. This command prints lines were the number is greater or equal than a specified value (134000000). Show Sample Output
single-column-numbers.txt is a text file with 22658 rows (numbers) in a single column. Each number can range from 0 to 134298679.533591 and the dot is for the decimals. This is done with perl because awk can't sum such high numbers. Show Sample Output
Run inside Command Prompt (cmd.exe) as admin. Note that you must close explorer.exe first, and even so some files will not be deleted, will say "Access is denied." To definitely delete them enter with another admin user or from other operating system and access the drive. Show Sample Output
Works for debian and ubuntu based distros. Show Sample Output
This command lists all currently installed packages in ubuntu in a single line, for example to use later with apt install. Show Sample Output
Delete the beginning of each line until first match of given character, in this case it's ":" Does it on all lines. The given character is deleted also, and can be a space.
Remove all arguments related to linux kernel from a list which uses space as item separator.
It will generate a new file ending with "_ThumbnailImage.jpg" which is the embedded thumbnail inside the JPG for example.
Get information of volume labels of bitlocker volumes, even if they are encrypted and locked (no access to filesystem, no password provided). Note that the volume labels can have spaces, but only if you name then before encryption. Renaming a bitlocker partition after being encrypted does not have the same effect as doing it before. Show Sample Output
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.
Will append lines to the hosts file to do some basic ad blocking. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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