This command will add up RAM usage of all processes whose name contains "java" and output the sum of percentages in HRF. Also, unlike the original #15430, it wont fail on processes with a usage of >9.9%. Pleases note that this command wont work reliably in use cases where a significant portion of processes involved are using less than 0.1% of RAM, because they will be counted as "0", even though a great number of them could add up to significant amounts. Show Sample Output
Get the latest and hopefully greatest to test out on the Ubuntu Phone - sometimes broken but always interesting.
Warning this will allow you to write to the system image on the phone, not recommended. But sometimes useful.
To fix this bug:
This will download and install the latest version of the open store on the ubuntu phone, this store includes unconfined applications such as the TweakGeek and the Ubuntu Touch Tweak Tool. You can see the install instructions from here: Show Sample Output
Count how many times a pattern is present into a file. It can be one or more lines. No overlapping. It means searching for aa on aaa will output 1 not 2.
Count how many times a pattern is present into a stream. It can be one or more lines. No overlapping. It means searching for aa on aaa will output 1 not 2.
Pings all the hosts on in parallel, so it is very fast. Alive host IP addresses are echoed to stdout as pings are responded to. Show Sample Output
Shows the OS X applications downloaded from App Store. Doesn't include manually added apps. Show Sample Output
first grep all href images then sed the url part then wget
Converts red-cyan 3D anaglyphs to side-by-side format viewable by crossing your eyes. Useful for people who don't have 3D glasses or prefer not to use one.
Note between the last there is no plus sign
This example will close the pipe after transferring 100MB at a speed of 3MB per second.
This is for files only, for directories 'mirror' has to be used.
This command downloads the actual 20 most popular pictures from the website 500px. It uses a random name due to the fact the the pictures in 500px are stored with the same name. UPDATED: doesn't work if no referrer is specified: --referer=''
It works best if you first login and then do the fetch: lftp -u user,pass mirror -c --parallel=3 --use-pget-n=5 "Some folder"
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