Grab X11 input and create an MPEG at 25 fps with the resolution 800x600
With: -vcodec, you choose what video codec the new file should be encoded with. Run ffmpeg -formats E to list all available video and audio encoders and file formats. copy, you choose the video encoder that just copies the file. -acodec, you choose what audio codec the new file should be encoded with. copy, you choose the audio encoder that just copies the file. -i originalfile, you provide the filename of the original file to ffmpeg -ss 00:01:30, you choose the starting time on the original file in this case 1 min and 30 seconds into the film -t 0:0:20, you choose the length of the new film newfile, you choose the name of the file created. Here is more information of how to use ffmpeg:
Certain codecs in high res don't play so well on my Dell Mini 9. Using this command, I can play just about anything and it keeps the sound in sync to boot!
change the *.avi to whatever you want to match, you can remove it altogether if you want to check all files.
I use this command to save RTSP video streams over night from one of our national TV stations, so I won't have to squeeze the data through my slow internet connection when I want to watch it the next day. For ease of use, you might want to put this in a file: #!/bin/bash FILE="`basename \"$1\"`" mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile "$FILE" -playlist "$1"
When playback of AVI files (containing a video format like XviD or DivX) is stuttering, it in 90% of the files is caused by a poorly or wrongly interleaved file. The issue can be permanently resolved by RE-MUXING the AVI video-files that have this problem
Record audio to MP3 stream and video to MPEG-4 stream from webcam to AVI file using mencoder. Gives floating point exception in some mencoder versions.
Download YouTube videos as .flv and convert them to .3gp for your mobile phone.
rips the audio and video stream of a movie. The two streams are stored separately.
Record from a webcam, audio using ALSA encoded as MP3, video as MPEG-4.
View webcam output using mplayer, with correct fps and outfmt settings according to my webcam model.
This assumes that there is a 10.2 sec delay between the video and the audio (delayed). To extract the original video into a audio and video composites look at the command on extracting audio and video from a movie
Rip DVD to YouTube ready AVI file, using MPEG-4 video codec and MP3 audio codec. Resizes to 320x240 and deinterlaces as needed.
Streaming HTML5 compatible video (Ogg Theora video with Vorbis sound) to an Icecast server using dvgrab, ffmpeg2theora and oggfwd. In this example I'm merging stereo sound to mono (-c 1), saving the original dv for later higher quality on-demand video (tee dvstream.dv), saving the theora stream for immediate on-demand video, and publishing the stream in Xiph's stream directory (-p and the name and description). The URL of the video will be (depending on your server) which will play in newer Firefox, Chrome and Opera web browsers. Cortado (a Java player) can easily be used for IE. Note also that I'm using port 80, which is not the default port for Icecast, this is to avoid restrictive firewalls. Also note that ffmpeg2theora 0.25 and will heed the bitrates much better than former versions because of using libtheora 1.1 or newer.
Creates a 5 minute flv file, with the given sequence of images and audio with 0.5 fps. The images were created using the following command: for x in `seq 0 300`; do cp ../head.PNG head-`printf '%03d' $x`.png; done You can also inject metadata to seek easier using yamdi as follows: yamdi -i muxed.flv -o video.flv Show Sample Output
thumbnail gallery of video using totem Show Sample Output
Useful for when you download movies split into < 700mb parts.
Credit to rich @
mencoder is generally included with mplayer.
sudo port install mplayer
Show Sample Output
The option -an disables audio recording, -f forces the use of video4linux for the input, -s sets the video to the size 320x240, -b sets the recording bitrate, -r sets the frame rate to 15fps, -i gives the input device, -vcodec sets the output format. Press Q to stop recording or you can specify the recording time with the -t option like -t 00:1:30
Extracts an MP3 encoded audio stream from an input video file.
Open a window that displays camera capture. Framerate, width and height may be changed to match your needs.
Reencodes to MPEG-4 DivX output video file from step 1. Audio stream is simply copied. Resizes to 320x240 and deinterlaces as needed. A heading subtitle file is applied as watermark. This heading subtitle file can be a URL.
Takes two input video files and an external audio track and encodes them together to an MPEG-4 DivX output video file with the correct size ready for uploading.
ffmpeg -i = input file name -s = set frame size, qcif=176x144 -vcodec = force video codec -r = frame-rate [default = 25] -b = bit-rate [200 kb/s] -acodec = force audio codec -ab = audio bitrate in bits/s [64k] -ac = no. of audio channels [1] -ar = audio sampling frequency [44100 Hz] optional: -sameq = use same video quality as source (implies VBR) -f = force format -y = overwrite output files is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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