The command copies a file from remote SSH host on port 8322 with bandwidth limit 100KB/sec; --progress shows a progress bar --partial turns partial download on; thus, you can resume the process if something goes wrong --bwlimit limits bandwidth by specified KB/sec --ipv4 selects IPv4 as preferred I find it useful to create the following alias: alias myscp='rsync --progress --partial --rsh="ssh -p 8322" --bwlimit=100 --ipv4' in ~/.bash_aliases, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or ~/.bashrc where appropriate. Show Sample Output
Simple one-liner for scanning a range of hosts, you can also scan a range of ports with Netcat by ex.: nc -v -n -z -w 1 21-443 Useful when Nmap is not available:) Range declaration like X..X "for i in {21..29}" is only works with bash 3.0+ Show Sample Output
Check if TCP port is reacheable Show Sample Output
-z: Specifies that nc should just scan for listening daemons, without sending any data to them -u: Use UDP instead of the default option of TCP. Show Sample Output
shows opened ports on machine in continuous mode (refreshing every 10 sec) Show Sample Output
Check to see if a port is open or closed on a given host. Show Sample Output
Simple way to test if a port is available to the public. Run this command on the "server" and run a `telnet host-ip port-number` on the client. Test by sending strings to the server, which will be displayed in the server terminal.
Check trough unix sockets if tcp port is open or close Show Sample Output
netstat will list all open ports on the system, unix sockets, tcp sockets and udp sockets. the t flag limits to tcp ports the l flag limits to listening ports and the n flag disables the translation of port to service ( ie :25 displayed instead of :smtp ). then grep for the port you are interested in preceeded by a colon. Show Sample Output
Using netcat (nc) 25 can be replaced with the friendly value (smtp). Check error code for result or use -v option to echo output nc -z localhost smtp && echo open || echo closed nc -zv host protocol Show Sample Output
For now just returns either "Success" or "Error". My awk-fu isn't strong enough to hackily parse out the error in case there is one, so I kept it simple. Show Sample Output
To list open ports on a local Linux system that are transferring data To list only the IPv4 connections, then replace "-i" with "-i4", and to list only IPv6, use "-i6"
`shuf` generate random permutations. `-i`, `--input-range=LO-HI` and `-n`, `--head-count=COUNT` output at most COUNT lines Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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