Commands by zhangweiwu (9)

  • The exported TSV file of Google Adwords' first five columns are text, they usually should collapse into one cell, a multi-line text cell, but there is no guaranteed way to represent line-break within cells for .tsv file format, thus Google split it to 5 columns. The problem is, with 5 columns of text, there are hardly space to put additional fields while maintain printable output. This script collapses the first five columns of each row into one single multi-line text cell, for console output or direct send to printer.

    awk -F $'\t' '{printf $1 LS $2 LS $3 LS $4 LS $5; for (i = 7; i < NF; i++) printf $i "\t"; printf "\n--\n";}' LS=$'\n' 'Ad report.tsv' | column -t -s $'\t'
    zhangweiwu · 2011-02-28 10:52:16 5
  • The exported TSV file of Google Adwords' first five columns are text, they usually should collapse into one cell, a multi-line text cell, but there is no guaranteed way to represent line-break within cells for .tsv file format, thus Google split it to 5 columns. The problem is, with 5 columns of text, there are hardly space to put additional fields while maintain printable output. This script collapses the first five columns of each row into one single multi-line text cell. new line character we use Line-Separator character (unicode U+2028), which is respected by gnumeric. It outputs a new .tsv file that opens in gnumeric.

    awk -F $'\t' '{printf $1 LS $2 LS $3 LS $4 LS $5; for (i = 7; i < NF; i++) printf $i "\t"; printf "\n";}' LS=`env printf '\u2028'` 'Ad report.tsv'
    zhangweiwu · 2011-02-28 10:48:46 4
  • To rip DVD movie to ogg format using ffmpeg, follow these steps. 1) find the vob files on the mounted video DVD in VIDEO_TS that stores the movie itself. There would be a few other VOB files that stores splash screen or special features, the vob files for the movie itself can be identified by its superior size. You can verify these vob files by playing them directly with a player (e.g. mplayer) 2) concatenate all such vob files, pipe to ffmpeg 3) calculate the video size and crop size. The ogg video size must be multiple of 16 on both width and height, this is inherit limitation of theora codec. In my case I took 512x384. The -vcodec parameter is necessary because ffmpeg doesn't support theora by itself. -acodec is necessary otherwise ffmpeg uses flac by default.

    cat VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_[1234].VOB | nice ffmpeg -i - -s 512x384 -vcodec libtheora -acodec libvorbis ~/Videos/dvd_rip.ogg
    zhangweiwu · 2010-09-14 14:45:27 26
  • This command is suitable to use as application launching command for a desktop shortcut. It checks if the application is already running by pgrepping its process ID, and offer user to kill the old process before starting a new one. It is useful for a few x11 application that, if re-run, is more likely a mistake. In my example, x2vnc is an x11 app that does not quit when its connection is broken, and would not work well when a second process establish a second connection after the first broken one. The LC_ALL=C for xmesseng is necessary for OpenSUSE systems to avoid a bug. If you don't find needing it, remove the "env LC_ALL=C" part

    sh -c 'if pgrep x2vnc && env LC_ALL=C xmessage -button "Kill it:0,Ignore it:1" "Another connection is already running. Should I kill it instead of ignoring it?"; then killall x2vnc; fi; x2vnc -passwd /home/Ariel/.vnc/passwd -east emerson:0'
    zhangweiwu · 2010-07-06 09:11:12 5
  • You might want to check what file and directory names would be renamed or chopped if you create iso 9660 level 2 image out of them. Use this command to check first. Show Sample Output

    find . -regextype posix-extended -not -regex '.*/[A-Za-z_]*([.][A-Za-z_]*)?'
    zhangweiwu · 2010-06-25 00:27:09 4
  • This is useful when you got a reserved IP address like and want to find out what IP address is used to access the Internet. You have to know a server with 'efingerd -n' configured, like as above. Other method to find out this information are for example access and grep the output. The finger method have the advantage that it is easy to deploy a service like, as you only need to get efingerd installed.

    finger | grep -oE '([[:digit:]]{1,3}\.){3}[[:digit:]]{1,3}' | head -n1
    zhangweiwu · 2010-05-05 14:58:55 7
  • in "a.html", find all images referred as relative URI in an HTML file by "src" attribute of "img" element, replace them with "data:" URI. This useful to create single HTML file holding all images in it, as a replacement of the IE-created .mht file format. The generated HTML works fine on every other browser except IE, as well as many HTML editors like kompozer, while the .mht format only works for IE, but not for every other browser. Compare to the KDE's own single-file-web-page format "war" format, which only opens correctly on KDE, the HTML file with "data:" URI is more universally supported. The above command have many bugs. My commandline-fu is too limited to fix them: 1. it assume all URLs are relative URIs, thus works in this case: <img src="images/logo.png"/> but does not work in this case: <img src="" /> This may not be a bug, as full URIs perhaps should be ignored in many use cases. 2. it only work for images whoes file name suffix is one of .jpg, .gif, .png, albeit images with .jpeg suffix and those without extension names at all are legal to HTML. 3. image file name is not allowed to contain "(" even though frequently used, as in "(copy of) my car.jpg". Besides, neither single nor double quotes are allowed. 4. There is infact a big flaw in this, file names are actually used as regular expression to be replaced with base64 encoded content. This cause the script to fail in many other cases. Example: 'D:\images\logo.png', where backward slash have different meaning in regular expression. I don't know how to fix this. I don't know any command that can do full text (no regular expression) replacement the way basic editors like gedit does. 5. The original a.html are not preserved, so a user should make a copy first in case things go wrong.

    grep -ioE "(url\(|src=)['\"]?[^)'\"]*" a.html | grep -ioE "[^\"'(]*.(jpg|png|gif)" | while read l ; do sed -i "s>$l>data:image/${l/[^.]*./};base64,`openssl enc -base64 -in $l| tr -d '\n'`>" a.html ; done;
    zhangweiwu · 2010-05-05 14:07:51 15
  • Sometimes you want to work on data sheets by using heirloom unic commands like cut, paste, sed, sort, wc and good old awk. But your user works on Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The idea: 1) ask your user to save it as "Unicode Text" from Microsoft Excel and send the document to you; 2) use the given command to convert it to UTF-8 text. We carefully convert "\r\n" to local end-of-line character; and to convert "\n" (in Excel, means linebreak within the table cell") to "\r", which is carrier return but not end-of-line in Unix. If the "\n" is not replaced with "\r", for example, wc -l will report incorrect column number.

    iconv -f UTF16LE -t UTF-8 < SOURCE | awk 'BEGIN { RS="\r\n";} { gsub("\n", "\r"); print;}' > TARGET
    zhangweiwu · 2010-04-04 07:16:57 4
  • The command gives size of all files smaller than 1024k, this information, together with disk usage, can help determin file system parameter (e.g. block size) or storage device (e.g. SSD v.s. HDD). Note if you use awk instead of "cut| dc", you easily breach maximum allowed number of records in awk. Show Sample Output

    find dir -size -1024k -type f | xargs -d $'\n' -n1 ls -l | cut -d ' ' -f 5 | sed -e '2,$s/$/+/' -e '$ap' | dc
    zhangweiwu · 2009-12-28 04:23:01 6

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Recover username and password for Technicolor TC7200 admin page (vulnerability)
The router Technicolor TC7200 has an exploit where the file is open for unauthenticated access. Even though it is binary, the 2 last strings are the username and password for the pages for router management. It can be read using the 'strings' command, 'hexdump -C' or a hexadecimal editor. (default user/password = admin/admin) Reveals more configuration, including SSID name and Key for the wifi network: $wget -q -O - Hexadecimal dump of the file: $wget -q -O - | hexdump -C

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